The Super-Impressive First Interview

So you've got that first interview. You may look good on paper, but can you impress in the flesh. And there are always ways in which you can stand out:

- Memorise your CV. This is all they know about you and their questions will be based on it.

- Find out all you can about the company. Ask for brochures and the latest annual report. Check the library for company reports. Scan the trade press and talk to people in similar professions.

- Ring up to ask who will be interviewing you. If it's the personnel manager, this indicates a first-round, general interview. If it's a panel, find out their positions in the company. This will give a clue to the type and level of questions.

First Impressions

- Decide what points you want to put across at the interview and what impression you want to make. Creative, methodical, hardworking, ambitious, cool, steady? Write a check list to glance at before you go in.

- Employers don't expect students to afford Chanel suits. Presentable and clean are the watchwords. Skirts are still preferable to trousers. Avoid extremes and jangly jewelry or anything that feels uncomfortable.

- Study the company culture.

- They expect you to be nervous, but a smile costs nothing and scores points. Be prepared to shake hands.

Winning ways

- Make eye contact. Laughing is not out of bounds. Witty replies make you memorable and personable, but don't get carried away.

- Avoid yes/no answers, but don't get bogged down in detail. Imagine you are writing a short paragraph. Don't be afraid of silences: you'll be tempted to waffle. If there's a pause, ask if you've made yourself clear.

- If you don't understand a question or it's too general (‘Tell about yourself’) ask them to be specific.

- Don't be afraid to take the initiative. If there hasn't been a chance to talk about your trip somewhere or working on a charity project raise the subject yourself,

- Turn a negative into a positive. "Yes, I failed chemistry. That's when I realized I had a flair for economics."

- Never be tempted to lie. Your body language will give you away.

Experience: Catch-22?

- Work of any kind is relevant. Employers are looking for signs that you're reliable, responsible and can think for yourself. If you worked in a bar, you might havedeputized when the manager was away. Mention it.

- Leisure interests and hobbies are equally valid. For example, if it's a trainee-type job, firms are looking for evidence of adaptability, enthusiasm and ability to get on with others.

- Employers are interested in how you approach problems, so illustrate answers with an example from your research or vacation work.

- When you're asked why you want the job, a potential employer means "Have you the ability to do the job?"

Lasting impressions

- Prepare some questions to ask at the end. What training opportunities are there? Is there a chance to move around the country? What are the promotion prospects? Referring to a check list is fine, it shows you are organized.

- It's legitimate to talk money. But not if the salary has already been made clear in the interview or advertisement. And don't ask at the beginning! You'll appear more interested in the bucks than the job.

- If it's relevant, take along a sample of work - project, piece of writing or design. Suggest you leave it with them. It'll make you stand out.

- When will I hear from you? Is a reasonable question. Don't be afraid to admit you have another job offer: it shows you're attractive to employers.

- Think twice before writing a follow-up thank you letter. It could be seen as too pushy and smarmy. However, if you don't get the job, write or telephone asking if they will explain why you were unsuccessful. Most employers will happily give you time if they feel you're genius.

                                                                                                          H. Pickies. Cosmopolitan

Practicum 1.16

Translate italicized parts of Text 1b into Russian

Practicum 1.17

Practicum 1.18

Research into the meaning of the phrase Сatch–22, relate it to the book it came from

Practicum 1.19

Read the tips to follow and say which of them you stick to, support with your own experience

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