Exercise 4. Explain the difference between these pairs of sentences

1. People come here to enjoy the peace and quiet of this lovely area.

I’m looking forward to enjoying peace and quiet when I retire.


2. As a young man Lucas went off to Africa, looking for adventure.

The adventure transformed her in the ways she had never expected.


3. Health officials have tried to raise public awareness about AIDS.

The world seems to be arriving at a horrible awareness that sacrificing lives of soldiers is not the solution.


4. As of 2019, one in three marriages in the UK ends in divorce.

The divorce between theory and practice is hard on young college graduates.


5. The reality is that young people will not go into teaching until salaries are higher.

It's painful, but you have to face reality.


6. May I have the pleasure of seeing you again?

It’s been a pleasure to meet you.


7. Tolerance was not a quality you associated with my parents, so I was surprised.

The tolerance of our coach was unprecedented. I’ve never heard a rude comment from her.


8. Myth, religion and philosophy are three historic types of worldview. 

The philosophy of Immanuel Kant will live long after all modern philosophy is a memory.


9. I wouldn’t have the patience to sit sewing all day.

Painting by this method requires great patience.


10. Corazon Aquino was a politician of rare honesty and courage who restored democracy in the Philippines.

The honesty of the song's lyrics was appreciated by the audience.


EXERCISE 5. Explain the reasons for the articles in these sets of contrasted examples.

1. speed

She reduced speed only as she approached the village.

The train was travelling at high speed.

The Earth moves round the Sun at a speed of 30 km per second.

What was the speed of the car at the time of the accident?

Even at low speed, an accident could mean serious injury for a child without a car seat.


2. prejudice

Young parents still face prejudice in the workplace.

I tried to show him he was just talking out of blind prejudice.

The villages did not trust their family since then; the story died, but the prejudice held.

Is there any person or persons against whom you feel an active prejudice?

For the first time the child met the force of a strong, cruel prejudice.


3. charity

All the money raised by the concert will go to charity.

Many homeless people are too proud to ask for charity.

I will not accept the charity of that self-important moneybag.

The Red Cross is a well-known international charity.

We are asking employees to make a regular donation to the charity.


4. childhood

Experiences in early childhood are very important.

Hearing impairment in childhood is totally different from hearing loss in adult life.

They've been friends since childhood.

He had no brothers or sisters and a lonely childhood.

He remembered the place from his childhood.

The childhood of Mary Jeanne was full of summer light, open fields, and all kinds of animals.


5. chemistry

Chemistry and electricity were Edison’s passions.

Dr. Pawlowski spoke about the chemistry of Hiroshima atomic bombing in 1945.

Teams with good chemistry win.

The chemistry between the two stars makes the movie a pleasure to watch.


6. beauty

Schwarz Wald is an area of outstanding natural beauty.

The beauty of the lake left my companions speechless.

Florence was the birthplace of the Renaissance and its streets are full of artistic beauty.

Shaw was moved by the beauty of Handel's music.

Brigitte Bardot was famous as a singer and a great beauty in her youth, but the world will remember her as an animal rights activist and a moral compass for her generation.


7. curiosity

Many well-educated people are full of intellectual curiosity.

The scientific curiosity of Marie Curie led her to be the only person in history to win the Nobel Prize in two different scientific fields.

Leonardo da Vinci had an insatiable curiosity.

The crowd watched what was happening with mild curiosity.

The Parkers did their best to satisfy the curiosity of their young guests.


8. weather

What was the weather like on your vacation?

We want to have a picnic on Saturday, but it depends on the weather.

Water potted plants daily during spells of dry weather.

I don't like going to work on my bike in wet weather.

Weather in Siberia is often changeable, with high winds and sudden rains.

In fact, many people buy insurance against extreme weather.


9. war

All is fair in love and war.

The possibility of nuclear war was much on people’s minds in the fifties.

A week after the outbreak of war, he enlisted in the army.

The country was on the brink of war.

Prussia was at war with Poland for several decades.

In 1941, Britain and the US declared war on Japan.

How many people have died in religious wars?

He served as a pilot during the war.

The two countries fought a brief war in 1995.


10. pity

I felt such pity for that young boy sitting alone in the bus station.

The clerk looked up and saw Sylvia looking at him with apprehension and pity.

That’s a pity that the author only got the respect she deserved after her untimely death.

When I returned to school, my classmates looked at me with gentle pity in their eyes.

The refugees were proud people and they didn't want to be treated as an object of pity.

The passenger sounded so upset that Leah started to take pity on him.

I hated the pity in their eyes with all my heart then; I was young and arrogant.

Barbara’s key got stuck in the keyhole. What a pity.


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