Commercial fishing

Exercise 3. Read and translate the text.



Exercise 1. a) Read and translate international words without a dictionary:

activity, ocean, corporation, method, manager, ecosystem, season, to generate, biomass, commercial, to limit, effective, barrier.

b) Read and translate the following words and word combinations:

industrial fishing, a large profit, family-owned, international treaties, small number of species, to avoid catching, worldwide.

Exercise 2. a) Read and memorize the words from the text below:

pursue, v преследовать
sustainability, n устойчивость; устойчивое развитие
abundance, n изобилие; избыток
restriction, n ограничение
integrate, v объединять; интегрировать
allocation, n назначение; распределение (средств, ресурсов)
allocations, n, pl лимиты
seek, v разыскивать
capture, n лов
updated, adj усовершенствованный; обновлённый; модернизированный
avoid, v избегать, остерегаться
endanger, v подвергать опасности
reduce, v ослаблять, понижать, сокращать, уменьшать
injury, n вред, повреждение
deterrent, n средство устрашения; сдерживающее средство
auditory, adj слуховой
tangle, v запутывать

b) Read and memorize the terms determining the species of fish and seafood:

crustacean ракообразное
mollusk моллюск
echinoderm иглокожее
shrimp креветка
krill криль (мелкие морские рачки)
lobster омар
clams моллюски
squid кальмар
crab краб
tuna тунец
anchovy анчоус
flounder камбала
mullet кефаль
oyster устрица
scallop гребешок

c) Read and memorize the terms referring to the fishing gear:

surrounding net кольцевой невод, рингнот
hand-casting net сеть, забрасываемая вручную
pot trap мережа, верша, ловушка
purse seine кошельковый невод
seine рыболовная сеть, невод
ground net ставная сеть
beach seine береговой закидной невод
trawl трал
bottom trawl донный трал
dredge бредень
hook крючок
line удочка
long line ярус
handline поддев
lift net сачок
gillnet жаберная сеть
entangling net объячеивающая сеть
trap вентерь, ловушка

Commercial fishing is the activity of catching fish and other seafood for commercial profit, mostly from wild fisheries. It provides a large quantity of food to many countries around the world, but those who practice it as an industry must often pursue fish far into the ocean under adverse conditions. Large scale commercial fishing is also known as industrial fishing. The major fishing industries are not only owned by major corporations but by small families as well. The industry has had to adapt through the years in order to keep earning a profit. A study taken on some small family-owned commercial fishing companies showed that they adapted to continue to earn a living but not necessarily make a large profit. It is the adaptability of the fishermen and their methods that cause some concern for fishery managers and researchers; they say that for those reasons, the sustainability of the marine ecosystems could be in danger of being ruined.

Commercial fishermen harvest a wide variety of animals, ranging from tuna, cod, and salmon to shrimp, krill, lobster, clams, squid, and crab, in various fisheries for these species.

There are large and important fisheries worldwide for various species of fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms. However, a very small number of species support the majority of the world's fisheries. Some of these species are herring, cod, anchovy, tuna, flounder, mullet, squid, shrimp, salmon, crab, lobster, oyster and scallops. All except these last four provided a worldwide catch of well over a million tonnes, with herring and sardines together providing a catch of over 22 million metric tons. Many other species are fished in smaller numbers.

The industry, in 2006, also managed to generate over 185 billion dollars in sales and also provide over two million jobs, according to an economic report released by Fisheries Service. Commercial fishing may offer an abundance of jobs, but the pay varies from boat to boat, season to season. Crab fisherman Cade Smith was quoted in an article by Business Week as saying, "There was always a top boat where the crew members raked in $50,000 during the three- to five-day king crab season – or $100,000 for the longer snow crab season". That may be true, but there are also the boats who don't do well; Smith said later in the same article that his worst season left him with a loss of 500 dollars.

A 2009 paper in Science estimates, for the first time, the total world fish biomass as somewhere between 0.8 and 2.0 billion tonnes.

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