Card44. Translate the following text into Russian


I was there

On 24 August, in the early afternoon, my mother drew attention to a cloud of unusual size and appearance. It was not clear at that distance from which mountain the cloud was rising. (It was afterwards known to be Vesuvius.) Its general appearance can best be expressed as being like an umbrella pine, for it rose to a great height on a sort of trunk and then split off into branches. Broad sheets of fire and leaping flames blazed at several points. By this time the courtyard was full of ashes so that its level had risen. The buildings were now shaking with violent shocks and seemed to be swaying to and fro. My mother and I finally decided to leave the town. We were followed by a panic-stricken mob of people. Once beyond the buildings we stopped, and there we had some extraordinary experiences which thoroughly alarmed us. We saw the sea sucked away and apparently forced back by the earthquake: it receded from the shore so that quantities of sea creatures were left stranded on dry sand. On the landward side a fearful black cloud parted to reveal great tongues of fire, like flashes of lightning magnified in size. Soon afterwards the cloud sank down to earth and covered the sea; it had already blotted out Capri. You could hear the shrieks of women, the wailing of infants, the shouts of men.


Translate at sight the following text into English.


Интересно, что во фразеологизмах слово нос практически никак не выявляет своего основного значения. Нос – орган обоняния, однако в устойчивых словосочетаниях с носом связывается прежде всего представление о чем-то небольшом, коротком. Помните сказку про Колобка? Когда Лисице нужно было, чтобы Колобок попал в сферу ее досягаемости, стал ближе, она просит его сесть к ней на нос. Эта идея близости лежит в основе таких фразеологизмов, как нос к носу, на носу (так говорят о чем-то, что вот-вот должно наступить), под самым носом или из-под самого носа, с гулькин нос (гулька – это голубь, клюв у голубя маленький), не видеть дальше собственного носа, бурчать под нос.

Нос воротят, когда что-либо не нравится, вешают (вместе с головой), если сильно расстраиваются, приходят в отчаяние, задирают, когда неоправданно чем-нибудь гордятся, похваляются. Если кого-то просят не совать нос не в свое дело, то таким образом ему хотят показать, что он чересчур, не к месту любопытен, вмешивается в то, во что не следует.


Card45. Translate the following text into Russian.


Many besought the aid of gods, but still more imagined there were no gods left, and that the universe was plunged into darkness for evermore. At last the darkness thinned. Then there was genuine daylight, and the sun actually shone out. We were terrified to see everything changed, buried deep in ashes like snowdrifts. Shortly before mid-day I placed the single earphone to my ear and started listening. The receiver on the table before me was very crude - a few coils and condensers - no valves, no amplifiers, not even a crystal. But I was at last on the point of putting the correctness of all my beliefs to the test. The answer came at 12.30 when I heard, faintly but distinctly, pip-pip-pip. I handed the phone to Kemp: 'Can you hear anything?' I asked. 'Yes,' he said, 'the letter S' - he could hear it. I knew then that all my anticipations had been justified. The electric waves sent out into space from Poldhu had traversed the Atlantic - the enormous distance of 1,700 miles - unimpeded by the curvature of the earth.


Translate at sight the following text into English.


Если человек болтлив, то говорят, что у него язык без костей. Если же болтун в придачу любит рассказывать чужие секреты, то у него слишком длинный язык. Такому человеку можно посоветовать, чтобы он не распускал язык, почаще держал его за зубами, а то и вовсе прикусил его. В тяжелых случаях можно болтуну язык и укоротить.

Любители болтать чешут языком попусту. Однако бегло, свободно говорить очень часто бывает просто необходимо. Про человека, обладающего этим умением, скажут, что у него язык хорошо подвешен. Впрочем, даже у таких ораторов от волнения язык может прилипнуть к гортани.

Бывает, что человека никак не удается втянуть в беседу. Сидит себе, молчит – как будто язык проглотил. Отчаиваться в таких случаях не стоит. Может быть, язык у него еще развяжется?


Card46. Translate the following text into Russian.


A man behind the mouse

It was hard work for a little kid who also had to go to school, then deliver another round in the evening. Sometimes he had to traipse through three feet of snow. Other times he got so tired he'd sneak into an alley for a catnap. But the paper round beat picking apples for a living. That's what he'd been doing before, on his family's failing farm in Marceline, Missouri. The problem was that his boss - his stern father, Elias - had the nasty habit of delivering daily beatings both to Walt and his brother Roy, eight years Walt's senior. After a disgusted Roy left home, the brunt of the work, and the beatings, fell on Elias' youngest son.

Walt Disney, born on December 5, 1901, never had time for a childhood. As a result, he spent all of his adult life attempting to invent one for himself. In the process - almost by accident - he created wonderful childhood memories for generation after generation of children worldwide.

Translate at sight the following text into English.

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