III. Let’s talk about Science and Technology

I would [I’d] like to talk about science in relation to the world in which we live. Technological progress has brought great changes in our social and economic organization. Science affects many aspects of our lives. It serves to various human purposes. The great achievements of medical knowledge and care have certainly improved human happiness. Our ability to travel rapidly and to communicate with each other easily has made life more enjoyable. These things have resulted from the application of scientific knowledge to human affairs. Science itself in the way in which it seeks knowledge and understanding is beyond good and evil. Scientific knowledge have completely changes our world. The person can already fly by air and to go under water, which was impossible a century ago. We cannot imaging our life without modern transport. Each day we go to work with the help of it. I’d like to dwell on computers and the communications and their importance in our life. Now computers are used almost in all branches of our life. We use them not only at our jobs but we use them at home as well. Computers help people to receive information quickly, solve computing problems and communicate. The majority household devices are already equipped with minicomputers. Scientists believe that in the nearest future people can work without leaving their homes. One of the most important achievements to the modern science is nuclear physics and genetics. We can’t imaging our life without TV. TV is a main source of information about the world. It makes it possible to travel around the world sitting in an armchair and switching a remote control. The most significant scientists who contributed a lot to the development of modern science are Newton, Einstein, Darwin, Mendeleev, Kurchatov. I believe that increasing of knowledge and the wise use of it is the surest way to a better life. I also believe that the duty of the scientist as well as all people is to use the gifts of science for peace and welfare of men.

                                          БИЛЕТ 7

                                        The Condemned Room

I. Text  

1. This text is about a girl Sam and her messy room. We can find the description of Sam’s room and the room of her brother. We can also read Sam’s thoughts about the situation and learn her final decision.

2.  Reading (III абзац).  

3. For days Sam’s mother never came up to her room. But one day she found of that Sam’s room was very messy. That made Sam’s Mum write a message.

4. From my point of view Sam isn’t going to clean the room in the near future because it is not easy to do the cleaning with the freshly painted finger nails.

II. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below. 

1. - Tina was going to Hong Kong from London.

2. - She came late to the airport thinking that she had missed the flight. But the flight was delayed and Tina had to wait for nine hours.

3. - There was a huge storm, the plane started bouncing around all over the place and the oxygen masks dropped down.

III.  Let’s talk about Art

There are many different types of arts in the world. The most popular ones are cinema, theater, literature, music and painting. I’d like to tell you a little bit about each of these arts. First of all, my favourite type of art is music. It has always fascinated me how people create such melodic tunes. I love all genres of music, be it jazz, classical, pop, rock, reggae, opera, blues or else. Music can change my mood. If I’m sad I try to listen to something cheerful, for example, to disco music. If I want to think in loneliness, I prefer alternative rock. I’m glad that there are so many devices nowadays which allow us to listen to music everywhere we wish. It includes radios, MP-3 players, CD-players, mobile phones. My second favourite type of art is literature. I like reading interesting novels and detective stories. I also value the works of famous writers and poets. Speaking of Russian writers I’ve read some works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolst oy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky and Mayakovski. Their works are world-famous and many books have been translated into other languages. Theater  is gradually becoming an outdated type of art. On the contrary, cinemas become more popular. I think people should respect the work of actors and attend theatres more often. As for me, I don’t really like cinemas. If I want to watch a new movie, I buy and watch  it at home.




Great grandad

I. Text

1. This text is about author`s problems with algebra. We can read how the girl’s Grandad helped her understand the subject. We can also find out what the author discovered about her Grandad.

2. Reading (II абзац).  

3. He compared algebra with PE. He explained the use of the subject in a simple way. He made the author see that it was possible to enjoy algebra and made it interesting for her.

4. She learnt that Grandad’s world was full of miracles and mazes, mirrors and misleading signs. He was fascinated by riddles and codes and labyrinths, by the origin of place names, by grammar, by slang, by jokes, by anything that might mean something else. She discovered her Grandad.

II. Listen to the member of the Greenpeace organisation telling a story about    whales and answer the questions below.

1.- Sometimes whales go crazy and throw themselves on the beach. Dirty water makes them that crazy. Plants and factories throw rubbish into the water.

2. - Some people brought ropes and they pulled the whale into the water.

3.- He decided to study the ocean and protect animals. He became a member of Greenpeace and his priority is to protect whales.

III.  Let’s talk about future career.

Choosing a profession is one of the most important decisions that influences all lives. It is like  choosing a wife or a husband to have children with, choosing friends to rely on.

There are many reasons for choosing this or that profession. Nowadays everybody’s top priority is money. In our materialistic world young people usually try to get jobs that are paid well – jobs connected with business, information technologies, politics, and so on. Jobs connected with education and science are not so well paid, that is why they are not so popular among young people.

Let me give you one piece of advice. Take into consideration such things as talent and personal interest! Usually a person has talent in this or that sphere – science, art, music, ect. If you haven’t got abilities for the profession you have chosen, later  you will face a lot of difficulties. You will definitely have to study harder and spend more time training.

Interests are also very important. Isn’t it great, when your  job brings you moments of great pride, joy and satisfaction? If you are not interested in what you are doing, you will never achieve good results, and very soon you will feel that you are not in the right place.



                                              БИЛЕТ 9

                                                    AN INTERVIEW

I. Text

1.    This interview is about the use of technological means of communication. We can find information about the benefits of the computers. We can also find out how technological means of communication help businessmen. And there are also some thoughts about misusing the technologies.

2. Reading (II абзац).        

3.  For those working in the world of business, life would be much more difficult as it would take much longer to get in touch with other companies and to come to   on important matters.

4. Many people spend hours just chatting about silly, unimportant things or looking through sites for no special reason even at work.

II. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

1.-The action took place in the author's grandmother's big old house near         London.

 2.- All the furniture in his grandmother's bedroom was on the left side of the room and the carpet was on the other side.

3.- They were scared because the furniture was really heavy and they heard just a  tiny noise. And grannny said it had happened before and she did't mind.

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