Box 7: Fostering New Growth Areas in Consumer Spending

Culture & Tourism Ÿ Promote the development of major tourist attractions and national key cultural programs Ÿ Better preserve and carry forward fine traditional Chinese culture Ÿ Further promote culture and tourism Ÿ Build public cultural service facilities, facilities for protecting and utilizing national cultural and natural heritage, tourism infrastructure, and public tourism service facilities
Elderly Care Ÿ Develop public-interest senior care services through cooperation between local governments and businesses and launch projects to this end Ÿ Carry out comprehensive trials on creating new solutions to address population aging Ÿ Improve the services of senior care facilities Ÿ Offer tax breaks, funding support, and preferential water, electricity, gas, and heat prices to institutions providing day-care, rehabilitation, dining and walking assistance services in communities Ÿ Build senior care facilities in rural areas
Sports Ÿ Build more sports service facilities, with a focus on public facilities such as soccer fields and fitness centers Ÿ Ensure the implementation of the Medium-to-Long Term Development Plan for Soccer in China and the National Plan on the Construction of Soccer Fields and Facilities throughout the country
Domestic Services Ÿ Improve the quality and expand the size of the domestic services sector, and encourage local governments to formulate implementation guidelines or rules for this work Ÿ Improve domestic service training
Information Consumption Ÿ Develop new-type information consumption demonstration cities and programs Ÿ Support localities and businesses where conditions permit in setting up experience centers for information consumption Ÿ Carry out an Information Consumption Experience Week, skills training, and other events


5) We will keep market expectations stable.

We will actively work to enhance explanations of major policies, adopt new approaches in policy communication, and ensure all types of market entities have a correct understanding of our policies. We will take timely and appropriate measures to defuse major risks and potential dangers that may affect market expectations, pay close attention to trends in society, respond to people’s concerns promptly, and take stronger measures to deal with major and serious emergencies. We will gather, publish, and analyze data for China’s fourth economic census.

We will closely monitor and analyze changes in supply and demand and the prices of major commodities, ensure market supply and price stability, strengthen regulation of the production, supply, storage, marketing, and transportation of goods, and crack down on speculative hoarding, price gouging, and other illegal activities.

  3. Securing progress in the critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution

Aiming at the most pronounced problems, we will rely on collective efforts, category-based approaches, and targeted policies to accomplish key tasks, tackle tough challenges, and achieve solid results.

1) We will further advance the battle against major risks.

  We will firmly apply a holistic approach to national security. We will improve the systems and mechanisms for safeguarding national economic security, strengthen the monitoring, assessment, and early warning of major risks, and make sure no systemic risks arise. Sticking with the basic approach of structural deleveraging, and setting a proper pace and intensity, we will work for the early implementation of contracted projects for market-based debt-to-equity swaps, impose stronger constraints on the debt-to-asset ratios of SOEs, and establish systems for monitoring and sending early warnings on enterprise debt risks.

  Oversight over capital flow in the stock, bond, and foreign exchange markets and the handling of related risks will be strengthened to prevent abnormal fluctuations and resonance in the financial market. Basic capital market systems will be improved, oversight over internet finance will be strengthened, and orderly steps will be taken to defuse shadow banking risks. Working to remedy the weak points in the regulation system, we will unveil, at the earliest possible date, measures for regulating financial holding companies. We will see that local government debt risks are handled properly. We will firmly check increases in hidden local government debt, take orderly steps to deal with existing debt, and support the market-oriented transformation of financing platform companies.

  In line with the principle that houses are for living in, not for speculation, we will take prudent steps to establish a long-term mechanism to facilitate the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, and take measures to see that municipal governments fulfill their primary responsibility in this respect. We will keep land prices, housing prices, and expectations stable, and resolutely prevent and defuse risks in the housing market. We will encourage both the rental and purchase of housing, improve the housing market and housing support systems, and work hard to help medium- and low-income urban residents and new urban residents solve their housing problems. We will reform the housing provident fund system, and work faster to develop the housing rental market, particularly the long-term rental market, in large and medium-sized cities that have net population inflows.

  2) We will make good strides in the battle against poverty.

  We will firmly move forward with the three-year initiative for winning the battle against poverty, with a focus on supporting particular groups affected by poverty and areas classified as extremely poor, such as the aforementioned three regions and three prefectures. Priority will be given to resolving the key problems in our efforts to ensure adequate food and clothing and access to education, basic medical services, and housing for the rural poor population.

  We will step up efforts to reduce poverty by developing local industries, boosting employment, education, healthcare, and social security, and providing ecological-conservation subsidies, and take action to tackle poverty resulting from disability. The responsibility system for poverty elimination will be effectively enforced, and evaluation, oversight, and assessment mechanisms will be improved. We will make explorations on establishing long-term mechanisms for people to steadily make their way out and stay out of poverty, thereby reducing and preventing cases of people slipping back into impoverishment. Counties that have eliminated poverty will be encouraged to consolidate their progress and promote local development through the rural revitalization strategy. We will explore solutions for new issues such as the lack of support polices for those with incomes slightly above the poverty line. This year, the rural poor population is targeted to fall by at least ten million, and work on projects to relocate poor populations from inhospitable areas during the 13th Five-Year Plan period will be basically completed.

  3) We will make solid progress in the battle against pollution.

  We will hold our ground and consolidate the progress made in coordinating high-quality economic growth and high-standard ecological and environmental protection. We will not relax restrictions or slacken efforts, much less allow a return to the ways of the past.

We will put greater energy and investment into the seven campaigns to keep our skies blue, control pollution caused by diesel trucks, improve black, malodorous water bodies in cities, carry out protection and restoration in the Yangtze River basin, improve the water environment of the Bohai Sea region, control pollution in agriculture and rural areas, and protect water sources. We will work to achieve major scientific and technological breakthroughs in pollution prevention and control. We will reform and innovate environmental governance methods, draw up guidelines on establishing an environmental governance system in which government leads, enterprises are the main actors, and social organizations and the public participate, and ensure that enterprises shoulder the primary responsibility for pollution prevention and control and the responsibility for environmental protection. We will strengthen inspections on ecological and environmental protection, and help enterprises develop their own environmental improvement solutions.

We will encourage upgrading in the steel industry to achieve ultra-low emissions, steadily advance efforts to upgrade coal-burning power plants to achieve ultra-low emissions and energy conservation, and promote efficient, clean, and high-quality development of coal-fired power plants. We will adjust and optimize the mix of freight transportation modes, increasing the proportion of rail and water transportation for coal, ore, coke, and other bulk goods.

We will continue the three-year initiative to treat urban sewage more effectively and efficiently, advance the sorting of urban household waste across the country, and draw up guidelines on taking stronger steps to prevent and control plastic pollution. We will run trials on a “no waste cities” initiative, and take action to prevent and address pollution caused by used lead storage batteries.

We will make a major push to promote conservation and efficient use of energy, and urge key localities to cut coal consumption by replacing it with alternative energy and by using coal in a cleaner and more efficient way. We will effectively promote clean energy sources for winter heating across northern China, and concentrate resources to ensure cleaner use of coal in non-industrial sectors in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and surrounding areas and the Fenwei Plain region.

We will improve natural gas production, supply, reserve, and sale systems, and take orderly steps to replace coal with gas in areas where gas supply is sufficient for such replacement. We will support the use of clean energy in multiple ways, raise the share of renewable energy in total energy consumption, and establish a long-term mechanism to absorb electricity generated from renewable energy sources into power grids.

  We will redouble our efforts to protect and restore ecosystems. We will address the spread of desertification and stony deserts, work harder to protect biodiversity, and continue efforts to return marginal farmland to forests, grasslands, and wetlands. We will conduct extensive surveys and set standards for ecological red lines, and build an oversight and management platform for these lines. Diversified trans-regional ecological compensation mechanisms will be improved. We will make progress in large-scale afforestation, improve the quality of ecosystems in forests, grasslands, and wetlands, and deepen reform on the national parks system. We will achieve extensive roll-out of the river chief and lake chief systems, and continue to advance the comprehensive governance of the water environment in key river basins. Control and oversight will be tightened over coastal reclamation activities.

We will further develop and refine our legal and policy systems to promote green production and consumption, and put forward guidelines on building a sound economic structure that facilitates green, low-carbon, and circular development. We will promote the construction of resource recycling centers. We will carry out the national water conservation campaign and ensure water resources are better managed and more efficiently utilized. We will encourage the construction of eco-friendly buildings and the use of eco-friendly express delivery packaging. We will move faster to set up a system for market-oriented green technology innovation and release the Catalog of Green Industries (2019). We will promote green and efficient refrigeration, reform and improve economic policies concerning environmental protections, refine the cap-and-trade system for emissions, and develop green finance. We will promote contracted energy and water-conservation management models and third-party treatment of environmental pollution, make rapid advances in green manufacturing, and boost the growth of green industries in relation to energy conservation and environmental protection. Initiatives will be carried out to promote eco-friendly lifestyles.

We will execute the national strategy for responding to climate change, move faster to improve national carbon market institutions, and actively participate in global climate governance.

  4. Moving faster to build China into a country of innovators

We will implement the innovation-driven development strategy, take the business startups and innovation initiative to the next level, and promote military-civilian collaboration in innovation, to comprehensively raise our innovation capacity and efficiency.

  1) We will improve national innovation systems.

  Research and planning will be carried out for a new round of pilot reforms on comprehensive innovation. We will keep advancing reform of the science and technology management system, with particular emphasis on implementing policies on granting greater autonomy to research institutes and researchers. To see scientific advances being applied more quickly, we will pursue reform of the systems for assessing the scientific, technological, and economic value of science and technology innovations. We will establish a robust science and technology personnel evaluation and incentive system based on innovation, quality, and contribution. We will draw up plans on a new round of national scientific and technological development over the medium and long term. Investment in basic research will maintain steady growth, and efforts will be accelerated to implement major national science and technology programs and major projects for the Sci-Tech Innovation 2030 Agenda.

  We will work to establish open, coordinated, and efficient platforms for research on generic technologies, and move faster to improve collaborative innovation mechanisms for bringing together enterprises, academia, and research institutes, which are demand-oriented and give enterprises the leading role. Private enterprises will receive strong support in pursuing original innovation. There will be support for leading enterprises, including private high-tech enterprises, to initiate major technology projects, and efforts will be made to achieve better integration and sharing of innovation resources among companies, research institutes, and universities. We will step up cooperation to see technological breakthroughs in projects designed to strengthen China’s industrial foundation, and promote demonstrations for technology applications throughout the industrial chain.

We will move swiftly to carry out overall planning for the development of national laboratories, and reorganize the system of national key laboratories. Major science and technology projects will be better organized and managed. We will step up the development of national industrial innovation centers, support the building of a new group of national demonstration zones for independent innovation, and make plans for building several national manufacturing innovation centers in key sectors. We will speed up the development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region as a collaborative innovation community, support Beijing and Shanghai in developing into science and technology innovation centers, and support the construction of comprehensive national science centers in Huairou in Beijing, Zhangjiang in Shanghai, and Hefei in Anhui. We will see that scientific and technological innovation underpins the strategies on the development of the Yangtze Economic Belt and regional integration in the Yangtze River Delta. We will conduct research on and provide strong support to the initiative to develop the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area into an international science and technology innovation center, and make plans for building a national comprehensive science center in the area.

  2) We will promote high-quality innovation and business startups.

We will work quickly to implement major projects under the upgraded edition of the business startups and innovation initiative. To further improve the environment for making innovations and starting businesses, we will ensure the implementation of all policies on supporting business startups, refine our public service systems, develop all types of supportive platforms like business incubation centers, and also build platforms for exhibitions, exchanges, and resource sharing.

We will take comprehensive measures to strengthen IPR protection, establish service systems covering intellectual property trade and assessment, and improve the punitive damages system for IPR infringements.

We will further enhance policies to support venture capital, and encourage the issuance of special bonds by financial institutions for funding innovation and business startups and special bonds for funding innovation and business incubation. We will promote the efficient operation of the National Venture Capital Guide Fund for Emerging Industries, and build venture capital alliances for emerging industries. We will ensure this year’s National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week is a success.

  3) We will make steady progress in deepening military-civilian integration.

  We will push ahead with major MCI demonstration projects and the construction of MCI innovation demonstration zones. We will promote military-civilian integration in industries to give full play to its important role in cultivating strong drivers of economic growth.

We will take strong, wide-ranging measures in undertaking trials to enforce national defense requirements for economic projects, with a view to achieving shared benefits and applications through joint efforts of both sectors. MCI systems and mechanisms will be improved, so that barriers blocking civilian participation in military programs are eliminated, and more military technologies are put to civilian uses. We will improve mechanisms for training personnel competent for both military and civilian jobs and ensure channels are open for personnel movement between military and civilian sectors. We will continue to support the enhancement of production capacity in the defense industry, and improve plans for national economic mobilization.

Steps will be taken to promote comprehensive legislation on military-civilian integration. Pilot reforms on mixed ownership in military industry enterprises will be deepened. We will support commercialization and application of military technological advances in the civilian sector, and vice versa. We will integrate and expand the functions of the national MCI public service platform.

5. Consistently deepening reform in key areas

  Fully implementing the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech at the meeting marking the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, we will continue to bolster the leading role of reform, and carry out deeper and more concrete economic structural reform with a focus on energizing micro entities.

  1) We will deepen reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, improve regulation, and upgrade services.

To bring about a marked improvement in the national business environment, we will act quickly to enhance China’s business environment assessment system, refine assessment and analysis systems, and begin pilot business environment assessments in municipalities directly under the central government, cities specifically designated in the state plan, some provincial capitals, and some prefecture-level cities. This will also help reduce government-imposed transaction costs.

We will continue promoting full implementation of the market access negative list system. We will establish a dynamic mechanism for adjusting the list, make further improvements to the system for publishing list-related information, and make sure all sectors not restricted by the list are accessible.

We will once again abolish a slew of administrative approval items, promptly overhaul all stealth approval and permit procedures, and reduce and standardize administrative penalty items. We will further cut the time it takes to approve a construction project, and cut the steps, the time, and the costs involved in starting businesses, registering trademarks and property, getting electricity, and trading across borders. We will further overhaul and standardize all types of intermediary services needed for obtaining government approval, and move forward across the board with untying industry associations and chambers of commerce from the government. All these efforts will help create an enabling environment for businesses that is consistent with the rule of law and international practices.

We will deepen institutional reforms in the business sector, implement the reform to separate out the business license from certificates required for starting a business across the country, advance the reforms on making it easier to cancel market entities, and scale back the time required for patent review and trademark registration.

We will move faster to improve the new-type oversight mechanism, which is centered on oversight of credibility, supplemented by oversight of major areas, and based on the model using randomly selected inspectors to inspect randomly selected entities and requiring the prompt release of results. In terms of market regulation, we will promote the adoption of the above-mentioned model across departments, and step up law enforcement to combat monopolistic pricing and unfair competition. A big push will be made to continue rolling out the Internet Plus Government Services model, and quickly build a digital government. We will move quickly to set up a national unified online government service platform to see that all government services are accessible online and trans-regionally. Management provisions for government information systems will be unveiled, and a robust list-based management mechanism for government information systems will be established.

  2) We will promote state capital and SOE reforms.

We will steadily implement the guidelines and supplementary documents on deepening reform of SOEs and promote extensive application of successful outcomes from pilot reforms. We will draw up plans on reforming the system for authorized operations of state capital, deepen comprehensive reform, establish a system of professional managers, and strive to foster world-class enterprises. We will push ahead with trial reforms on mixed ownership in key fields, improve supplementary policies on employee equity stakes and other issues, accelerate reforms in general sectors of competition, and encourage private enterprises to actively participate in SOE reform.

We will remain committed to strengthening, expanding, and increasing the returns on state capital, and press ahead with the strategic reorganization of the state-owned sector of the economy to improve its layout. To more quickly shift the focus of oversight from enterprises to capital, we will establish a number of state capital investment companies through reorganizations as well as a number of state capital management companies, and see that better results are achieved in the trial reforms on state capital investment and management companies. We will conduct research on expanding the scope of the state capital operations budget, and raise the proportion of funds allocated from this budget to the general public budget. We will continue the work of transferring a portion of state capital into social security funds in tranches. We will push forward the reform on improving the salary-setting mechanisms of SOEs.

  3) We will deepen reform in key industries.

We will carry out structural reform of the petroleum and natural gas industries, and establish a national oil and gas pipeline corporation so as to separate transportation and marketing. We will lift restrictions on access to petroleum and natural gas exploration and exploitation, and actively encourage private investors to step up exploration and exploitation activities.

We will promote further reform of the electricity industry, and support independent and procedure-based operations by electricity trading agencies. We will move swiftly in making electricity transactions market-based, steadily establish pilot markets for spot trading of electricity, and expand trial reforms on raising the number of electricity distributors. We will make further strides in reforming electricity transmission and distribution pricing during the second regulatory period, which will be based on cost monitoring, review, and investigation.

 We will make more progress in price reforms in key sectors such as petroleum, natural gas, and transportation, and further structural reforms of postal services and the tobacco industry.

  4) We will optimize the market-based mechanisms for allocating factors of production.

We will formulate guidelines on improving market-based allocation of factors of production, and improve systems for accessing, regulating, and exiting the market. We will do more to develop human resources markets and to promote free and orderly flows of human resources. To refine investment and financing systems and mechanisms, we will work faster to guide the transformation of investment and financing services, continue to standardize and streamline investment approval procedures, and deepen the reform to introduce a business-invested project commitment system.

To expand the paid use of state-owned land, we will push ahead the pilot reform for allowing the market to allocate land designated for industrial purposes, promote the sale of such land through various means in the primary market and the orderly transfer of its use rights in the secondary market, and move forward with the marketization of rural collective land designated for business-related construction.

We will proceed with the integration and sharing of trading platforms for public resources. We will promote market-based allocation of technologies, and make explorations on reform of the system for property rights of scientific and technological outputs produced on the job. We will push ahead with market-based allocation of data and information, and improve the system for personal information authorization and big data trading.

  5) We will deepen the fiscal, tax, and financial reforms.

We will draw up reform plans for appropriately dividing fiscal authority and spending responsibilities between the central and local governments in such fields as emergency rescue and natural resources. We will improve local tax systems, reform the practice of revenue sharing between the central and local governments, and implement performance-based budgetary management across the board. We will deepen VAT reform, and phase in a system to refund end-of-tax-period VAT credits.

We will set up a Science and Technology Innovation Board at Shanghai Stock Exchange and launch trials for a registration-based IPO system. For listed companies, we will improve the share repurchase system and refine the cash dividend mechanism and delisting system.

We will improve the regulatory framework underpinned by monetary and macro-prudential policies, and bring more financial activities, markets, institutions, and infrastructure into the macro-prudential policy framework. Improvements will be made to the systems for unified monitoring and management of foreign debt and cross-border capital. Reforms will be carried out to refine the local financial regulatory system, and steps will be taken to crack down on illegal financial institutions and activities.

6. Pursuing higher-level opening up

  We will step up cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, and pursue high-standard, all-round opening up in more sectors and in a more thorough fashion.

  1) We will promote international cooperation under the BRI.

We will ensure the success of the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation to be held this year. We will seek coordination between China’s development plans and those of other countries along the BRI routes. Focusing on major projects, including infrastructure construction, and industrial-capacity cooperation, we will address key problems such as those related to financial support, investment environments, risk management, and security, strengthen cultural exchanges and cooperation on personnel training, and ensure cooperation produces more results. We will promote greater cooperation on the development of the Digital Silk Road and advance cooperation between China and ASEAN on creating a smart cities network.

We will build high-quality overseas platforms such as economic and trade cooperation zones and industrial-capacity cooperation parks and zones. We will promote high-quality development of China-Europe freight train services, and work to promote Silk Road E-Commerce across the globe. We will take substantive strides with France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, and other countries on third-market cooperation and innovation cooperation, and we will vigorously promote cooperation with Pacific island countries on the economy, trade, and tourism.

To accelerate their development and opening up, we will see that border areas move forward with the construction of key experimental development and opening up zones and cross-border economic cooperation zones. We will support Northeast China to develop itself as a major window for northward opening up and a hub for cooperation with Northeast Asia.

2) We will work for steady growth in foreign trade.

We will further reduce the customs clearance time, lower compliance costs for imports and exports, and take strong steps to promote international mutual accreditation of and cooperation on Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programs in order to further facilitate trade. We will provide greater support for policies on export credit insurance financing and export tax rebate pledged financing. We will work to diversify export markets.

We will ensure the success of the second China International Import Expo this year, and increase imports of advanced technology and equipment, key parts and components, energy and resources in short supply, and agricultural products. These actions will help promote the balanced development of foreign trade. Working to optimize the import and export mix, we will consolidate traditional competitive edges, and move faster to foster our overall competitive strength with technology, standards, brands, quality, and services as core strengths. We will create new ways of promoting trade in services, step up work to transform and upgrade outsourcing services, develop cross-border e-commerce, and strive to see foreign trade develop in a quality- and performance-oriented way.

3) We will work harder to attract foreign investment.

We will enact the Foreign Investment Law, shorten the negative list for foreign investment, and thoroughly review and remove restrictions on market access for foreign investment to sectors which are not on the list. We will steadily open the financial sector, attract greater inflows of long-term funding, and give play to the effective role of long-term international capital. We will draw up a catalog of industries for foreign investment, attract investment in a broader range of sectors, and encourage multinational companies to invest in China and set up production and R&D centers.

We will improve the service mechanisms for foreign-invested projects, and work to implement a number of key, large projects that can play a strongly demonstrative role. We will refine the system for conducting security reviews of foreign investments. Steady progress will be made in reforming the foreign-debt registration system to ensure a higher level of supervision and management.

We will promote innovations and upgrading in all types of development zones, including state-level economic development zones and high-tech development zones, to give better play to their role of leading development. Reform measures will be devised to support pilot free trade zones in opening wider and pursuing innovation-driven development. We will see an expansion of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, and support the nationwide application of entry and exit policies developed in pilot free trade zones and pilot reform zones for comprehensive innovation. We will fully implement policies and measures on supporting Hainan in furthering its reform and opening up on every front, work for the high-quality development of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, and make explorations on setting up free trade ports with Chinese features.

4) We will promote the steady and sound development of outward investment.

We will accelerate the work on formulating the Regulations on Outward Investment, and improve services for and regulation of outward investment. We will promote stronger compliance management among enterprises to ensure their overseas operations are run in a standardized and orderly manner, and give joint incentives to those that act in good faith and take joint punitive actions against those that act in bad faith. We will enhance the building of public service platforms for companies that “go global,” and establish a unified, inter-departmental information collection and sharing system. We will work to strengthen the prevention and control system for security risks and raise our overall capacity to safeguard Chinese security and respond to risks overseas.

5) We will play an active role in the reform and improvement of international trade rules.

China will be proactive about developing global partnerships, make full use of international platforms to enhance policy coordination, and expand converging interests with other countries. We will actively take part in reform of the WTO, firmly uphold the multilateral trading regime, play a positive role in the formulation of multilateral trade rules, and promote the establishment of a fair, reasonable, and transparent system of international trade rules.

We will keep cooperation oriented toward supporting the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment. We will act on the consensus reached by the Chinese and US presidents in Argentina, and take appropriate steps to advance the China-US trade talks. We will work to realize the adoption of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement as soon as possible, and accelerate negotiations on investment agreements with the European Union and on establishing the China-Japan-RoK Free Trade Area.

7. Promoting coordinated urban-rural and regional development

Targeting the problems of unbalanced and inadequate development, we will ensure effective implementation of the strategies of rural revitalization and coordinated regional development, improve the quality of new urbanization, and narrow the disparities in development between rural and urban areas and between regions.

1) We will continue with the rural revitalization strategy.

Following the general principle of prioritizing agricultural and rural development, we will make good strides in completing the tasks in the Strategic Agenda for Rural Revitalization (2018-2022). We will accelerate the work on formulating village development plans, promote the upgrading of infrastructure and public services in rural areas, refine the diversified investment mechanism, and work toward integrated planning and connectivity for road, water, power, gas, and information infrastructure in urban and rural areas. Public services will cover more villages, and social programs will cover all rural areas. More support will be given to projects to build on the progress made in ensuring safe drinking water in rural areas. We will ensure good results in the three-year campaign to improve rural living environments, putting a focus on advancing the Toilet Revolution, and working to efficiently treat household waste and sewage, promote the sorting and recycling of rural waste, and make our villages beautiful. We will step up efforts to comprehensively tackle soil erosion in rural areas and ensure small water basins are ecologically clean.

We will improve the infrastructure networks for logistics that cover counties, townships, and villages, speed up the building of backbone logistics networks and cold-chain logistics facilities for agricultural products, and promote the sharing of major municipal facilities between urban and rural areas. We will launch projects to improve village infrastructure, and build or upgrade 200,000 kilometers of rural roads.

We will deepen rural reforms on all fronts. We will push ahead reform on the rural land requisition system, advance the reform on rural land designated for housing in a steady, prudent manner, and continue the determination, registration, and certification of integrated housing ownership and land-use rights for rural collective land designated for construction and for rural land designated for housing. We will work quickly to put to good use idle land designated for housing and vacant dwellings, further reform the rural collective property rights system, and advance the reform of state farms on reclaimed land.

2) We will make solid progress in people-centered new urbanization.

We will set up robust institutions, mechanisms, and policy systems to promote integrated urban-rural development. Working toward the goal of granting urban residency to 100 million people, we will move faster to reform the household registration system, and allow permanent residents renting accommodation to register under the public residency category in cities.

We will accelerate the building of institutions and mechanisms for integrated growth in city clusters, and boost the role of principal cities in driving the development of surrounding areas by enhancing transportation connectivity and improving the layout of industries.

We will make consistent efforts to improve urban environments. We will move forward work on relocating and renovating old urban industrial areas and hazardous chemical plants located in densely-populated districts, and upgrade old residential quarters in an orderly way. We will encourage the installation of elevators in old residential buildings, and support efforts to develop a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities. We will actively foster new types of smart cities, and develop utility tunnels, sponge cities, and urban drainage and rainwater control facilities. We will encourage the well-regulated and well-ordered development of towns with distinctive features, and put in place diversified and sustainable funding mechanisms for urbanization.

3) We will make progress in coordinated regional development.

We will formulate new policies and measures for development and opening up in the western region and work to create a new pattern of large-scale development in the region. Marked improvements will be made to the region’s ecological environment as well as its environments for doing business, opening up, and innovating.

We will support northeast China in deepening reform and innovation and pursuing high-quality development and move faster to enact policies and measures to enhance the local business environment, reform SOEs, and boost the private sector.

We will support the central region to harness local strengths in consolidating the foundation of the manufacturing sector and accommodating industries relocated from other parts of China and abroad in an effective and orderly manner. We will support the central and western regions and northeast China in building demonstration zones for the transfer and commercialization of advances in science and technology.

We will push forward implementation of the development plan for the Huai River Eco-Economic Belt. We will give stronger support to see faster development in old revolutionary base areas, areas with large ethnic minority populations, border areas, and poor areas, boost development and improve living standards in border regions, and promote economic transformation and development in resource-dependent areas.

We will promote high-quality development of state-level new areas, and actively work to support the construction of airport economy demonstration zones, innovation demonstration zones, and other platforms.

We will formulate policies and plans on coordinating land and marine development and building China into a strong maritime country, and ensure high-quality development of the maritime economy.

4) We will continue implementing major national strategies for regional development.

Pursuing coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, we will continue relieving Beijing of functions non-essential to its role as China’s capital in a proactive, prudent, and orderly manner; formulate development plans on the Xiongan New Area and supplementary guidelines on its reform and opening up; move forward with infrastructure projects on transportation, ecology, and public services; continue the construction of Beijing’s administrative center in Tongzhou; and effectively develop zones for water source conservation and ecosystem and environment support for the capital.

We will advance the development of the Yangtze Economic Belt. In line with a holistic approach to the conservation of mountain, water, forest, farmland, lake, and grassland ecosystems, we will take solid steps to employ the three-fold approach of controlling water pollution, restoring water ecosystems, and conserving water resources, and the “4+1” project on treating urban sewage and garbage and curbing pollution from the chemicals industry, ships, agricultural non-point sources, and tailing sites. We will give play to the advantages of railways, highways, and water transportation in developing an integrated transportation system. In addition, we will upgrade the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta to a national strategy and formulate a development plan to this end.

We will draw up plans on industrial development, infrastructure, and ecological conservation and environmental protection for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and support the development of Shenzhen’s Qianhai, Guangzhou’s Nansha, and Zhuhai’s Hengqin as platforms for cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao.

8. Ensuring and improving people’s wellbeing

Acting on the people-centered philosophy of development,we will ensure people’s basic needs are met, do well the job of improving living standards, and introduce social policies that are more inclusive and sustainable.

1) We will put employment first.

We will step up monitoring of the employment situation in major enterprises involved in the trade with the US, and set up sound contingency plans and take solid steps to support affected enterprises in keeping employment stable. We will carry out solid work on increasing employment for key groups such as college graduates, demobilized military personnel, and rural migrant workers, and provide stronger employment support for all types of urban residents having difficulty finding employment.

We will continue the initiatives to help college graduates find jobs, guide them in starting businesses, and encourage them to work at community level. A three-year program will be launched to provide internships for 1 million unemployed young people. We will increase support for flexible and new forms of employment, promote the establishment of business incubators across the country, and continue the pilot and demonstration programs on supporting rural migrant workers and others returning home to start businesses.

We will improve the vocational skills training system, and move faster to roll out a system for life-long training. Sound professional development mechanisms for skilled workers will be set up. We will begin work on implementing the action plan on building a basic platform for public vocational training, and move quickly to construct training centers for integrating vocational education with industry. We will keep working to foster a craftsmanship spirit, and introduce a new corporate apprenticeship model. We will promote specialized training programs to help migrant workers improve their skills.

We will continue implementing the time-limited policy of reducing unemployment insurance premiums, substantially expand the scope of expenditures from unemployment insurance funds to ensure employment, and fully enforce the policy of refunding unemployment insurance premiums to help enterprises maintain stable employment. To implement vocational skills training initiatives, 100 billion yuan will be allocated from the balance of unemployment insurance funds for no less than 15 million places on training courses to improve vocational skills and provide reemployment training. We will support enterprises facing difficulties in providing on-the-job training, and give better training in professional skills and business startup to unemployed workers.

All types of enterprises that hire staff who are from rural poor populations or on the urban unemployment register for a minimum period of six months, will be eligible for fixed tax and fee deductions for three years. We will increase support to people with disabilities and others having difficulty finding jobs, and eliminate the phenomenon of zero-employment families.

2) We will improve the system and policies for social security.

We will fully establish a multi-tiered social security system, and set up a social insurance public services platform, which is accessible through the national government service portal. We will work on establishing a mechanism for rational adjustments to basic pension benefits for retirees. We will make progress toward ensuring all people in poverty are covered under the basic old-age insurance scheme. We will implement the central regulation system for enterprise employees’ basic old-age insurance funds, move faster to improve unified management of old-age insurance funds at the provincial level, and take steps to ensure reductions in social insurance premiums.

We will take comprehensive moves to establish unified basic medical insurance and major disease insurance systems for rural and non-working urban residents. We will carry out trials for long-term care insurance schemes. We will tighten supervision over and management of medical insurance funds, and further improve the mechanism for trans-provincial on-the-spot settlement of medical bills via medical insurance accounts.

We will improve the system of subsistence allowances for rural residents, and modify the methods for determining eligibility. We will improve the unemployment insurance system, and work to resolve the problem of work-related injury insurance for people without fixed employers working in new forms of business. We will provide assistance and basic necessities to people in extreme poverty, increase temporary assistance, and improve assistance provision methods and the related review and approval procedures, and continue the practice of increasing social security assistance and benefit payments in step with price increases.

We will continue the renovation of dilapidated rural houses and run-down urban areas, and continue to develop public rental housing in a well-regulated manner.

  3) We will work hard to address inadequacies in public services, shore up points of weakness, and boost service quality.

We will formulate national standards for basic public services, promote greater cohesion in the standards and norms of different regions and sectors, and carry out an action plan to address inadequacies in public services, shore up points of weakness, and improve service quality.

We will issue the guidelines on promoting development of care services for children under three and ensure more effective supply of childcare. Top priority will be given to education. We will support efforts to make high-quality, public-interest preschool educational resources more broadly available, and support both public and privately-run kindergartens. While ensuring sound development of public kindergartens, we will encourage private entities to operate more public-interest kindergartens, and move quickly to set sound standards for accrediting private public-interest kindergartens, as well as subsidies and supportive policies for such kindergartens.

We will continue pushing for integrated development of compulsory education in urban and rural areas, intensify efforts to universalize senior secondary education, and endeavor to put an end to big class sizes in urban primary and secondary schools. We will continue to improve the basic conditions of schools in poor areas, increase support for early education for children in poor rural areas, work on reducing the drop-out rate in rural and poor areas, and foster a stronger workforce of teachers in rural education.

We will support the development of privately-run schools in accordance with the law. We will promote bilingual education in areas with large ethnic minority populations in a systematic and steady manner. In our efforts to develop modern vocational education, we will reform the enrolment procedures, operational mechanisms, and teaching methods of vocational colleges, support enterprises and private actors’ participation in running vocational schools, and speed up work to align vocational technical grade certificates with academic credentials. We will accelerate the development of world-class universities and disciplines, and encourage universities to pursue intensive development. We will ensure progress in initiatives to modernize Chinese education.

In 2019, the retention rate of nine-year compulsory education is expected to reach 94.6%, the gross enrollment ratio for senior secondary education is expected to reach 89.4%, the number of students enrolled in vocational colleges will grow by 1 million, and regular institutions of higher learning are projected to enroll 8.7 million undergraduate students and 933,000 graduate students.

Reform of the medical and health care system will be deepened. We will make a concerted push to establish the five systems of tiered diagnosis and treatment, modern hospital management, universal health insurance, medicine supplies, and comprehensive healthcare oversight. We will develop Internet Plus Healthcare models, and quickly establish a telemedicine service system. We will make steady progress in planning and building regional medical centers, and build up the ranks of rural doctors. We will step up prevention and treatment of major diseases, and continue the projects on enhancing China’s ability to diagnose and treat difficult and complicated diseases and on preserving and making new advances in traditional Chinese medicine. R&D on pediatric medications will advance at a faster pace, and the supply of medicines for rare diseases will be better guaranteed. Reform of medical insurance payouts will be furthered, and their composition will be improved. With the emphasis on prevention, we will enhance our capacity to provide public health services and to prevent and treat occupational and endemic diseases. Effective measures will be taken to prevent and control myopia among teenagers; and supplementary childbirth policies will be improved. We will redouble our efforts to improve the long-term mechanism for supervision over vaccines and drugs, and intensify work on strengthening professional ethics and work practices and addressing failures to act in good faith in the healthcare sector. We will take actions to develop model private hospitals, and formulate an action plan on promoting high-quality development of the health industry. We will step up public education on physical and mental health and the management of personal health.

We will take stronger steps to develop urban and rural elderly care facilities, encourage the investment of private and foreign capital in elderly care services, and make a big push to develop elderly care services, particularly at the community level. We will ensure the provision of social services to those most in need, and upgrade service facilities for the elderly, people with disabilities, children living in difficulties, children remaining in rural areas while their parents work in cities, people with mental illness, and other vulnerable groups. We will do more to protect the rights and interests of women, minors, people with disabilities, and other groups. The medium- and long-term plan on population aging will be issued for implementation.

We will develop the Grand Canal cultural belt, and move ahead with major cultural projects such as the restoration and conservation of the Palace Museum, the National Art Museum of China, the China National Arts and Crafts Museum, and the National Library’s national archive of strategically important documents. We will do more to see that fine traditional Chinese culture is preserved and carried forward. We will carry out reforms to ensure that China’s cultural relics are effectively protected and put to proper use, and step up the protection and restoration of historical and cultural heritage sites. We will see that philosophy and the social sciences flourish, and develop new types of distinctively Chinese think tanks. We will foster a love of reading in our people.

We will support the implementation of phase three of the national general plan for the development of symbolic sites important in early CPC history. We will move forward with the construction of venues for the 2022 Winter Olympics and other sports facilities. We will ensure the success of the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019, Beijing.

We will strictly enforce the accountability system for workplace safety, improve safety-related oversight institutions, and enhance food, drug, and traffic safety.

We will give more support to Hong Kong and Macao in integrating themselves into the overall development of the country, and accelerate the planning and development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. We will carry out policies and measures to make it easier for Hong Kong and Macao residents to apply for mainland residence permits and to pursue development on the mainland. Roaming rates in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao area will be cut. We will support Hong Kong and Macao in participating in national high-quality economic development and in the new round of high-standard opening up, and strive to see them develop into important regions for China’s two-way opening up.

We will support Hong Kong in its efforts to raise its standing as an international financial, shipping, and trade center, promote Hong Kong’s cooperation with the mainland in science and technology, and support Hong Kong in developing itself as an international center for innovation in science and technology.

We will support Macao in building itself into a world tourism and leisure center, in serving as a platform for business and trade cooperation between China and Lusophone countries, in building itself as a hub for scientific and industrial development of traditional Chinese medicine, and in developing itself as an exchange and cooperation base where Chinese culture is prevalent and diverse cultures coexist.

We will expand cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation, deepen integrated development between the two sides of the Straits, and continue to implement the 31 measures designed to boost cross-Straits economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation. We will bring forward more policies and measures to benefit our Taiwan compatriots and create conditions for them and their businesses to achieve better development on the mainland.


Esteemed Deputies,

Accomplishing the work for economic and social development in 2019 is both a demanding and important task. We will unite even closer around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. In line with the CPC Central Committee and the State Council’s decisions and plans, we will consciously accept the oversight of the NPC, and seek comments and suggestions from the CPPCC National Committee.

Let us shoulder our responsibilities, fulfill our duties, be self-reliant and hard-working, carry out reform and innovation, tackle tough issues, and promote steady, sound, and sustainable economic and social development, so as to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China with outstanding achievements.

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