Describe E-Government. What are the advantages and challenges of this technology?

    E-government is a single mechanism of state and citizens cooperation, also state bodies with one another, which enables its concerted activity over the help of information technologies. That particular mechanism let to cut down calls in state bodies, reduce and speed up getting help with inquiries, certificates, authorization documents and etc. The creation of E-government was necessary for more effective, open and accessible for citizens and for work of state bodies. In the course of the years of E-government program organization there were four global stages of E-government development.

    The first stage – informational. Namely in this period there was started and packed with information E-government portal.There are appeared information about state bodies, their work and the services which they provide to the population. Besides, there were given regulations of services and posted regulations for review.

    The second stage – interactive, it was characterized with the start of electronic services portal.The introduction of interactive services on the E-government portal allowed to save time in the collection of documents by times. There were adopted departmental information systems, government databases, electronic licensing and E-government gateway namely in this stage. 

    The third stage of E-government development - transactional. Citizens were able to pay state fees and charges, fines, community service at this stage. Transactional stage presented a truly valuable gift for entrepreneurs - electronic public procurements. The benefits are obvious –there are improved transparency and openness of competitions, tenders.

    The fourth stage of E-government – transformational.This stage of development E-government has today. The main aim now is maximum efficiency in the provision of services for citizens. Namely for achieving this aim, interactive and transactional services combined into complex services, which often require the Kazakh population. There are going improvement and optimization of processes permanently. For example, significantly simplified the procedure of business registration. For example, this process was very difficult and long, employ over 30 days, but now a few hours due to systems integration. Besides, optimization allowed to combine several services in the complex. For example, at birth of a child, citizenshould apply for services three times: for the registration of birth of the child, and then to draw social security benefits, and once again - to put the child in a place to the kindergarten, but now all these services combined in one composite service "Delivery of a child". I.e.,a person receives three services with one step. An important new step in the development of infrastructure, the provision of electronic services, taking into account the active penetration of mobile communication and mobile technologies among the population is the creation of the Mobile government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today there is mobile app for iOS and Android platforms. One of the recently introduced innovations is an electronic digital signature recorded on the SIM-card of the phone. Thanks to it any recipient of a mobile phone, including old models, can get the service by sending an SMS-message to the short number and sign it with mobile signature, which is recorded on the SIM-card. The next stage of E-government is so-called "clever" or "proactive" government, when a citizen does not even need to direct any requests for public services. "Proactive" government will monitor life situations and perform the necessary processes instead of the citizen. Citizen only need to confirm these actions


39.Tell about "E-Learning" and “E-business”.

    1.Electronic business: Main models of electronic business. Information infrastructure of electronic business.Legal regulation in electronic business.

According to the definition of IBM professionals, electronic business(e-business) The transformation of key business processes using Internet technologies. Thus, e-business refers to any business activity that uses the possibilities of global information networks for transforming internal and external relationships to create a profit.

    An important part of e-business is e-commerce.Under the e-commerce (e-commerce) refers to all forms of business transactions that are carried out with the help of information networks definitions:.

in the dictionary e-business terms by PriceWaterhouseCoopers and eTopS Consulting companies are given the following

    E-business -improving the efficiency of the business, based on the use of information technology for in order to ensure interoperability of business partners and create an integrated value chain-..

    E-commercemarketing, submission of proposals, sales, rental, licensing, supply of goods, services or information through computer networks or the Internet

    Internet business can be described as medium which allows companies to increase revenues

· because created new channels of income and an increase in sales volumes;

· reduce costs by reducing the costs of transactions and overheads needs;.

· improve the quality of services, improving the service offered to customers and better meet their

· Improve conditions for investment;

· ensure corporate company information all over the world or just a target group of customers;

· automate and optimize business processes both internally and in its relations with suppliers, dealers and partners;

· ensure business continuity (7 days a week, 24 hours a day).

    The basic model of Internet business models There are pure e-business.

2.Electronic training: architecture, structure and platforms. Electronic textbooks.

E-learning (Eng. E-learning, an abbreviation of the English. Learning) -Electronica system of training through computer and electronic technologies

Definition UNESCO«E-Learning - learning through the Internet and experts:..multimedia,"

e-learning include:

· independent work with electronic materials, using a personal computer, PDA, mobile phone, DVD-player,TV and other,

· obtaining advice, tips, ratings from a remote (geographically) expert (teacher), for remote interaction, theof

· Creation a distributed user community (social networks), leading the overall virtual learning activities,

· timely Hour delivery of e-learning materials; standards and specifications for electronic learning materials and technology, distance learning tools,

· formation and improvement of information culture for all heads of enterprises and divisions of the group, and the mastery of modern information technology, improving the efficiency of its ordinary activities,

· the development and promotion of innovative educational technologies, the transfer of their teachers;

· to develop educational web-resources;

· the opportunity at any time and in any place to get modern knowledge, are available in any part of the world access to higher education for persons with special needsrelated to e-learning, electronic textbooks, educational services and technology. In fact, e-learning began with the use of computers in education. Initially training with the use of computers alternated conventional, classic practical exercises. E-learning and now does not exclude communication with the teacher face to face

ELearning modern sample concept has evolved along with the Internet connectivity technologies, and includes the ability to virtually anywhere download additional materials underpinning received by electronic aids theory, pass the completed task, consult with the instructor. The main thing is that all these features are supported electronic media programs. Now the development of e-learning depends on the development of the media, but electronic books, fully revealing its potential, are still in the development stage of traditional:.e-education has a number of advantages


40.What are the prospects for the development of ICT?

Prospects of development in the sphere of the IT market: development of the free software. Forming of an ecosystem of IT of entrepreneurship and support small startup of the companies.

The free software (SPO, eng. free software also software libre or libre software), free software software, where users have rights ("freedom") on its installation, start-up, free use, study, dissemination and change (improvement) and distribution of copies and results of any changes. If the software has the exclusive rights, the freedom, are declared using the free license.

As a free (freeware) and free software, SPO can be used to obtain and usually free (but the distributor can charge for the obtaining of his copies, delivery channels, media CD-ROMs or additional services). However, freeware is usually distributed as executables without source code is proprietary, and to be free (free software), recipients must be available in source code from which you can create executable files together with the appropriate licenses. Due to the fact that the word "sale" and called the original sale, and distribution of copies for the money, and paid licensing (usually proprietary conditions), some still believe free software is a subset of the free.

Often distinguish between free and open source software (open source) — although the availability of source code for the SPO is required and many open programs are both free. The choice of the name is often associated with the language and purpose of vacancy or openness

The free software movement began in 1983 when Richard Stallman formed the idea of having freedom to use the software (eng. software freedom) users. In 1985 Stallman founded the free software Foundation to provide organizational structure to promote their ideas.

The business model of the SPO, as a rule, based on the principle of empowerment — for example, new objects of application, training, integration, configuration or certification. At the same time, some business models which work with proprietary software that is not compatible with free software, especially those that force users to pay for the license to legally use a software product.

2.Programs of acceleration and incubation.

Accelerator — a company the business of which is to help other companies (residents of the accelerator).

Accelerators offer residents a structured program that helps the team to hone the business model to get the necessary contacts and increase sales. The program lasts from 3 months to half a year. The accelerator typically is a coworking space, where resident companies can be during acceleration.

The business model accelerator

Accelerators make the receipt of shares in the company and the subsequent sale of this stake, so often work in conjunction with the venture Fund (the Fund makes investments, the accelerator educational program, networking, infrastructure).

For example, the accelerator received a share in the amount of 10% of the project N. a Project N went through the acceleration program, has grown to become a significant player in the market. Google decided to buy the startup for $10 million In this case, the accelerator receives 10% of the purchase amount is $1 million.



1. Write a page using HTML with output text "Good day"

2. Translate the following number: 125.25(10)→(2) n.s.

3. Translate the following number: 4D.C(16)→(8) n.s.

1.Write a page using HTML with output text "Good day"

. <!doctype html>



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

<title> Good day </title>



Good day



2.Есеп: 125.25(10)→(2)

125:2=62 (1)

62:2=31 (0)

31:2=15 (1)

15:2=7 (1)

7:2=3 (1)
3:2=1 (1)

1:2=0 (1)

0,25*2=0,5 (0)

0,5*2=1 (1)



3.Есеп: 4D.C(16)→(8)

4D.C16= 01001101.11002=115.68



    1. Write the program. Inserts an image into the HTML code of the page.

2. Translate the following number: 3742(8)→(10) n.s.

3. Translate the following number: 7E2(16)→(2) n.s.

1.Write the program. Inserts an image into the HTML code of the page.


<title> text </title>



<p><img src="Image name.jpg"></p>



2.Есеп: 3742(8)→(10)

3742(8)= 3*83+7*82+4*81+2*80=1536+448+32+2=201810

3.Есеп:: 7E2(16)→(2)




    1. Write a page on the HTML with output text "Hello, World!"

2. Translate the following number: 1AC.6(16)→(10) n.s.

3. Translate the following number: 250.4(8)→(2) n.s.

1.Write a page on the HTML with output text "Hello, World!"

<!doctype html>



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

<title> Hello World </title>



Hello World




1AC.616= 1*162+10*161+12*160+6*16-1





 1. Create a table in HTML consisting of 2 rows and 3 columns.

2. Translate the following number: 1001001.101(2)→(10) n.s.

3. Translate the following number: 67.04(8)→(16) n.s.

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