Exercise 8. Answer the questions

1) What does the skeletal system consist of?

2) What parts is the human skeleton divided into?

3) How many bones does an adult body consist of?

4) How many vertebrae does the spine include?

5) What regions are there in the vertebral column?

6) What is enclosed in the spine?

7) How many ribs do humans have?

8) What parts is the skull divided into?

9) What are the functions of the skeletal system?

10) What is the biggest bone in the body?

11) How many bones do newborn babies have? Why do adults have fewer bones?

Exercise 9. Find out the pairs of synonyms

thorax spine
sternum chest
vertebral column limb
inferior upper
superior breastbone
extremity lower
external outer


Exercise 10. Match the terms to their definitions

1. Skeleton 2. Vertebra 3. Trunk 4. Skull 5. Rib 6. Spine 7. Bone marrow a) any of the 24 curved elastic bones that together form the chest wall in man b) the vertebral column c) one of the bony segments of the spinal column d) the fatty network of connective tissue that fills the cavities of bones f) the bony skeleton of the head g) a hard framework consisting of bones that supports and protects the soft parts of a human body h) the body excluding the head, neck, and limbs

Exercise 11. Translate into English

Кістки і суглоби, осьовий і апендикулярний скелет, кістки голови і тулуба, кістки кінцівок, плечовий пояс і таз, хребет і хребетний стовп, шийні та грудні хребці, поперекові хребці, крижі та куприк, ребра і грудина, черепна коробка, лицьові кістки, кістковий мозок, прикріплювати скелетні м’язи, захищати внутрішні органи, рухати кінцівки, сховище кальцію та заліза

Exercise 12. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box above:

nervous system;  axial;  spinal column; chest; appendicular pelvis; vertebrae; joints.

1. The axial skeleton is formed by the …, the chest and the skull.

2. The … in female skeletons is different from that of males in order to facilitate child birth.

3. The upright posture of humans is maintained by the … skeleton.

4. The … between bones allow movement.

5. The … protect the spinal cord.

6. Muscles, bones, and joints are all coordinated by the ….

7. The … skeleton (126 bones) is formed by the upper limbs and the lower limbs.

8. The … and the spine protect the human lungs, human heart and major blood vessels.

Exercise 13. What terms are described:

1. any of the pieces of hard, whitish tissue making up the skeleton in human

2. a long flat vertical bone, situated in front of the thorax, to which are attached the collarbone and the first seven pairs of ribs

3. A small triangular bone at the base of the spinal column in humans consisting of several fused rudimentary vertebrae.

4. One of a series of long curved bones occurring in 12 pairs in humans and extending from the spine to or toward the sternum.

5. a band of strong connective tissue serving to connect bones or hold organs in place.

6. the smallest bone in the human body

7. A band of tough, fibrous, inelastic tissue that connects a muscle to a bone

8. the junction between two or more bones

Exercise 14. Complete the table with the missing degrees of adjectives:

Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree
    the worst
  more dangerous  
    the farthest
    the softest
    the sweetest


Exercise 15. Open the brackets using the adjectives in the proper degree of comparison:

1. The lumbar vertebrae are (large) vertebrae in the spinal column.

2. This bone is (long) than that one.

3. He is (experienced) surgeon in this hospital.

4. It is a (good) idea.

5. This exercise is (difficult) than the one we did yesterday.

6. She is the (young) in her family.

7. Is Anatomy (interesting) than Physics for you?

8. That was the (bad) decision he could make.

Exercise 16. Open the brackets using the verb in an appropriate tense (Present, Past, Future Simple Active or Passive Voice):

1. The new equipment (to install) in the emergency room next week.

2. Yellow bone marrow (to store) calcium and fat.

3. The lungs (to protect) by the chest.

4. All the patients at the in-patient department (to examine) two hours ago.

5. The professor (to ask) a lot of questions after his lecture tomorrow.

6. This patient (to complain) of severe headache last week.

7. The doctor (to make) a diagnosis only after he gets the findings of blood test.

8. The administration (to change), if he doesn’t feel better tomorrow.


Exercise 17. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. The chest is composed of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the breastbone and 12 pairs of ribs.

2. He will be administered a bed regimen.

3. Yellow bone marrow stores calcium and fat.

4. The human skeleton takes 20 years before it is fully developed.

5. There are 206 bones in the adult human skeleton.

6. The bones of the skull consist of cranial and facial parts.

7. The upper extremity is formed by the arm, forearm and hand.

8. His temperature will be taken in the morning.


Exercise 18. Translate into English:

1. Осьовий скелет кладається з кісток, які підтримують торс.

2. Нижня кінцівка приєднюєтся до торсу за допомогою тазу.

3. М’язи прикріплені до кісток, і якщо м’язи кладаєть, кістки також кладаєть.

4. Скелету людини потрібно 20 років, щоб повністю розвинутися.

5. Грудна клітка кладається з 12 грудних хребців, грудини та 12 пар ребер.

6. У дорослої людини скелет складає близько 14% від загальної маси тіла, та половина його маси – вода.

7. Верхня кінцівка складається з плеча, передпліччя та кисті.

8. Кістковий мозок розміщуєтся всередині кістковомозокової порожнини кісток.


*Exercise 19. a) Read and translate the story about the most famous rib in the human history.

The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground… The Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and brought her to the man.

B) Choose the words from the text with the similar meaning to the given ones

bodily tissue          to make somebody do something

female                    male

soil                                     to cover

C) True or false?

1) The man’s body was closed up with the rib.

2) The first man was formed by the ground.

3) The first woman was made from the rib.

4) While the man was sleeping the Lord God made the woman.


Exercise 20. Describe the terms according to the plan: skeleton, skull

1. Tell what the term means.

2. Tell what the given part of the body consists of.

3. Tell about its functions.

4. Give any other information you know about the given part of the body.


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