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Unit 7. Healthy and tasty

Lesson 3. I like ice- cream

School: #


Surname /name of the teacher:


Number of attendees:    Number of absent learners:   
Aims of the lesson:

0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

0.L3 begin to recognize with some considerable support simple greetings 0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes

0.S6 exchange short simple greetings

0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements

0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes



Objectives of the lesson

The learners will be able to:

· recognize and carry out simple short instructions for the basic classroom routine spoken slowly and distinctly

· recognize and exchange with some considerable support simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes

· make basic personal statements

The majority of the learners will be able to:

· recognize and carry out simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines

· recognize with the considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· pronounce the basic words and expressions with a few mistakes

Some of the learners will be able to:

· say the words and expressions without difficulties and mistakes.

Background knowledge

This is the third lesson of the unit, the children know and recognize the topic words, know and can use numbers and colours, can recognize and use with some the considerable support the phrase Can I have some / a.., please?


Scheduled time

Scheduled activity

Beginning of the lesson     5 minutes

· Warm up:

To warm up the students ask them to name all the food and fruit words they know. Tell them to stay in a circle and throw each other a ball, saying in turns the words they know.

Ask the students to sing “The Fruit song” (Track 43).

Main part of the lesson     15 minutes

Exercise 1. Learn the new words.

Tell the students to look at the pictures and repeat the words: salad, soup, candies, ice-cream, cookies, crisps after the teacher. To practise the new vocabulary, use the cards. Show them and ask the students questions, e.g.: Is it salad/ lemonade, etc.?


Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and learn.

Ask the students to say the given sentence patterns.

For the further practice ask the students to think and say what a cat/dog/ parrot/rabbit likes.


Dynamic pause

Open, shut them (hold hands open, palms up; close


    10 minutes hands, making fists). Open, shut them (repeat). Give a little clap (clap). Open, shut them (hold hands open, palms up; close hands, making fists). Put them on your lap (fold hands and place them on your lap).     Exercise 3. Look at the pictures and say: I like…I’m happy. /I don’t like....I’m sad. Tell the students to say what the girl in the picture likes and what she dislikes. Answers: Picture 1. I like salad/candies/ cookies/ lemonade/ oranges. I am happy. Picture 2. I don’t like soup/ice-cream/crisps/milk. I am sad. Exercise 4. Say what you like and don’t like. Encourage the students to talk about their food preferences using the given sentence patterns and describe their feelings. Students’ answers. Activity book Exercise 1. Listen and tick the food the children like. Tell the students to listen and put a tick opposite the correct picture. Teacher: Hi. My name is Lizzy. I like soup. I don’t like lemonade.   Hello. I’m Bolat. I like cookies. I don’t like ice-cream. Hi. My name is Aisulu. I like lemonade. I don’t like milk. Hello. I’m Misha. I like salad. I don’t like soup.   Exercise 2. Think what you like and don’t like. Draw a line to the right Smiley. Tell the students to study the picture attentively and draw lines to the correct smiles.  

End of the lesson     5 minutes End of the lesson: At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via supportive questions: e.g.: - What the new words did we learn today? - Which word/words do we say when we see each other? - How do we introduce ourselves? - Do you remember the helpers/characters who will accompany us for the whole year? What are their names?  
  Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus, you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will give English equivalents or show the flashcards and name the pictures. Keep encouraging the young learners for any success during the class/ whole course to make them feel more comfortable, confident and more motivated to acquire the language.  



Unit 7. Healthy and tasty Lesson 4. Good or not?

School: #


Surname /name of the teacher:


Number of attendees:    Number of absent learners:   
Aims of the lesson:

0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

0.L3 begin to recognize with some considerable support simple greetings 0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes

0.S6 exchange short simple greetings

0.L2 begin to recognize with some considerable supporta few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly

0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements

0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes

0.S4 respond to the very basic supported personal questions using short answers


The learners will be able to:


Objectives of the Lesson

· recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routine spoken slowly and distinctly

· recognize and exchange with some considerable support simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· recognize with some considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly

· make the basic personal statements about healthy and unhealthy food

· pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes

· respond to the very basic supported personal questions using short answers

The majority of the learners will be able to:

· recognize and carry out simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines

· recognize and exchange with some support simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· recognize with support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly

· make basic personal statements about healthy and unhealthy food

· pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes

· respond to the very basic supported personal questions using short answers

Some of the learners will be able to:

· carry out simple short instructions for basic classroom routines

· exchange with support simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· recognize a few basic personal questions

· make basic personal statements about healthy and unhealthy food

· pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes

· respond to basic personal questions using short and full answers

Background knowledge

This is the final lesson of the unit, and the children know the topic vocabulary, recognize and can use the sentence patterns: Can I have

a/some …., please? / I like…. /I don’t like…;know the numbers and colours.


Scheduled time

Scheduled activity

Beginning of the lesson 3-4 minutes

· Warm up:

Ask the students to sing the song from Lesson 2 (Track 43).

Introduce the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Main part of the lesson

Exercise 1. Learn the new words.

Introduce the new words a tomato, a cucumber, a carrot, an onion, a potato using the vocabulary cards. Show the cards and say the words.


Exercise 2. Look at the pictures, listen and learn.

Ask the learners to look at the pictures, listen and repeat. Play the audio. Point to the phrases and pictures


    25 minutes in turns. Play the audio again, make pauses to allow the children repeat after the speaker. Make sure the children understand the meaning of the words good/bad. Track 45. Dima: Mum, can I have some crisps, please? Mother: No, they are not good for you.   Dima: Mum, can I have a banana, please? Mother: Yes, sure. Bananas are good for you. Mother: Girls, candies are not good for you. Batyr: Mum, I don’t like salad. I don’t like tomatoes and cucumbers. Mum: Tomatoes and cucumbers are good for you.   Ira: Mum, can I have a carrot, please? Mum: Yes, sure. Carrots are good for you. Dynamic pause Two little feet Two little feet go tap, tap, tap. Two little hands go clap, clap, clap. One little child leaps up from the chair, Two little arms go up in the air. Two little hands go thump, thump, thump. Two little feet go jump, jump, jump. One little body goes around and round. One little child sits quietly down.   Exercise 3. Listen and sing. Play the song several times and ask the learners to sing along. While singing encourage the children to use other fruit/vegetables words, e.g.: cucumber, banana. Track 46. One potato, two potatoes,     One tomato, two Three potatoes, four.      tomatoes, Three tomatoes, four. Five potatoes, six potatoes,   Five tomatoes, six tomatoes, Seven potatoes, more!           Seven tomatoes, more!   Exercise 4. Look at the pictures of food and say if it is good for you or not. The task for the students in this exercise is to look at the pictures and decide which food they personally think is good for them and which is not. After listening to the opinions discuss with the class the advantages of eating healthy food.  

  Activity book Exercise 1. Match the pictures to the correct basket and name them. Explain the task to the children. To check the task, ask the students to say fruit words as a group and then vegetables.   Exercise 2. Tick if the food is good for you. Put a cross if it is not good for you. Tell the students to range the pictures in the table. Ask them to put a tick if the food is healthy, and put a cross if it is unhealthy. Encourage the children to give the reasons for their choice.  
End of the lesson     5 minutes End of the lesson: At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via supportive questions: e.g.: - What the new words did we learn today? - Which word/words do we say when we see each other? - How do we introduce ourselves? - Do you remember the helpers/characters who will accompany us for the whole year? What are their names? Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus, you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and name the pictures. Sing the song from the lesson one more time. Keep encouraging the young learners for any success during the class/ whole course to make them feel more comfortable, confident and motivated to acquire the language.  



Unit 8. How to be healthy Lesson 1. Daily routine

School: #


Surname /name of the teacher:

Group: Number of attendees:    Number of absent learners:   

Aims of the lesson:

0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routine spoken slowly and distinctly

0.L3 begin to recognize with some considerable support simple greetings 0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes

0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements

0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes 0.S6 exchange short simple greetings


Objectives of the Lesson

The learners will be able to:

· recognize and carry out simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

· recognize and exchange with considerable support simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· make the basic personal statements, pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes

The majority of the learners will be able to:

· recognize and carry out simple short instructions for the basic classroom routine

· recognize and exchange with support simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· make basic personal statements

· pronounce the topic vocabulary with few mistakes

Some of the learners will be able to:

· carry out simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines

· exchange with support simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· make the basic personal statements

· pronounce the basic words and expressions without mistakes

Background knowledge

This is the beginning of the unit, though the children know simple greetings or names for some animals, numbers and colours.


Scheduled time

Scheduled activity

Beginning of the lesson     5 minutes

· Warm up:

To develop correct pronunciation, we recommend playing tongue-twisters with the learners for the sounds [ȷ], [r].


Red lorry, yellow lorry [ȷ]

Yellow leather, yellow feather, Yellow leather, yellow feather, Yellow leather, yellow feather.

Main part of

Exercise 1. Listen and learn the new phrases.

Introduce the new phrases brush my teeth, have a


the lesson     25 minutes shower, wash my hands, wash my face, get dressed. Name the actions and mime them. Make the children repeat the phrases and mime. Track 47. Speaker: brush my teeth; have a shower; wash my hands, wash my face, get dressed.   Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and listen. Ask the learners to look at the pictures, listen and repeat. Play the audio. Point to the phrases and pictures in turns. Play the audio again, make pauses to allow the children repeat after the speaker. Explain the meaning of the phrase every day. Ask the children questions. E.g.: Do you wash your hands/ face every day? etc. Encourage the group to give short answers. Track 48. Batyr: I brush my teeth every day. Misha: I have a shower every day. Dana: I wash my face every day. Ira: I wash my hands every day.   Dynamic pause Two little feet Two little feet go tap, tap, tap. Two little hands go clap, clap, clap. One little child leaps up from the chair, Two little arms go up in the air. Two little hands go thump, thump, thump. Two little feet go jump, jump, jump. One little body goes around and round. One little child sits quietly down.   Exercise 3. Act out the action and let your classmates guess. Invite a student to mime the actions. The group should guess and name the action. Exercise 4. Speak about yourself. Encourage the students to say what they do every day. Emphasize the importance of personal hygiene and healthy diet. Students’ answers Activity book Exercise 1. Listen to your teacher and put the sticker in the right box. Instruct the children to put stickers into the correct frame in accordance to the teacher`s instructions. Teacher says: 1. Wash your face. 2. Brush your teeth. 3. Have a shower. 4. Wash your hands.  

  Exercise 2. Number the pictures in the order you do the things every day. Describe your routine. Suggest the children looking at the pictures of actions they do every day “wash face”, “wash hands”, “brush teeth”, “have a shower”, ‘get dressed’ and number them in the order they do these things every day. Let a few students to show their order of actions and describe it in front of the whole class.  
End of the lesson     5 minutes End of the lesson: At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via supportive questions: e.g.: - What the new words did we learn today? - Do you wash your face and hands every day? - Do you brush your teeth every day? - Do you have a shower every day? Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus, you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and name the pictures. Keep encouraging the young learners for any success during the class/ whole course to make them feel more comfortable, confident and motivated to acquire the language.  



Unit 8. How to be healthy


Lesson 2. First, wash your hands

School: #


Surname /name of the teacher:


Number of attendees:    Number of absent learners:   
Aims of the lesson:

0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routine spoken slowly and distinctly

0.L3 begin to recognize with some considerable support simple greetings 0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes

0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements about their clothes and daily routine

0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes



0.S6 exchange short simple greetings

0.S5 begin to produce the words in response to the prompts


Objectives of the Lesson

The learners will be able to:

· recognize and carry out simple short instructions for basic classroom routine spoken slowly and distinctly

· recognize and exchange with considerable support short simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· make the basic personal statements

· pronounce topic vocabulary with some mistakes

· produce the words in response to the the prompts

The majority of the learners will be able to:

· recognize and carry out simple short instructions for basic classroom routine

· recognize and exchange short simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· make the basic personal statements

· pronounce the topic vocabulary with few mistakes

· produce the words in response to the prompts

Some of the learners will be able to:

· carry out simple short instructions for the basic classroom routine

· exchange short simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· make the basic personal statements

· pronounce the topic vocabulary without mistakes

· produce the words in response to the prompts

Background knowledge

This is the second lesson of the unit, so the children can produce short statements using the topic vocabulary “brush teeth”, “wash face and hands”, “have a shower”, “every day”, ‘get dressed’.


Scheduled time

Scheduled activity

Beginning of the lesson

· Warm up:

For drills in pronunciation of the sounds [ð], [w], [z], [h], [ʃ] play the following tongue-twisters:



5 minutes This and that, This and that, that and this and this.   [w] Watch the wicked witch. [z] There’s a zebra at the zoo.   [h] Hello, happy Harry, how are you? [ʃ] She should shun the shining sun.   Then inform them about the objectives and the topic of the lesson.     You can use the following resources for tongue – twisters: syt.
Main part of the lesson     25 minutes Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and listen. Direct the learners’ attention to the pictures. Suggest the children saying what they see in the pictures. Encourage them to exchange ideas. Emphasize the importance of following the rules of personal hygiene. Ask them questions, e.g.: Do you wash hands and face before you have breakfast/lunch? Do you have a shower when you come home/before you go to bed? Play the audio. Pause after each picture to discuss and make sure that children understand. Explain the phrase “to have lunch”. Track 49. Mother: No, no, no. First, wash your face and brush your teeth. No, no, no. Get dressed first. No, no, no. First, wash your hands. No, no, no. Have lunch first. No, no, no. First, have a shower.   Exercise 2. Learn the new words. At this lesson, the students continue to describe their daily routine learning the topic “Clothes” as a part of it. Introduce the following vocabulary to the students: a dress, shoes, shorts, a T-shirt, a skirt, a cap. Use the flashcards to help the children to memorize them.   Exercise 3. Look at the pictures and make sentences. Before doing this exercise remind the children that the personal pronoun his refers to the boys, and her refers to girls. Then model the task. Let the children work in pairs first and then check with the whole class.  

  Exercise 4: Give your advice to the children. Ask the students to study the pictures and give a piece of advice to a child in accordance with the situation. Students’ answers. 1. Wash your face. 2. Wash your hands. 3. Brush your teeth. 4. First, have lunch. 5. Have a shower.   Dynamic pause Two little feet Two little feet go tap, tap, tap. Two little hands go clap, clap, clap. One little child leaps up from the chair, Two little arms go up in the air. Two little hands go thump, thump, thump. Two little feet go jump, jump, jump. One little body goes round and round. One little child sits quietly down.   Exercise 5. Listen and sing. Play the song several times and ask the learners to sing along. While singing encourage the children to mime. Track 50. Have a shower, brush your teeth Every, every day. Wash your hands and wash your face Every, every day. Have a shower, brush your teeth Every day, every day. Wash your hands and wash your face Every, every day. Activity book   Exercise 1. Match the pictures and name the action. Tell the students to look at the pictures and match them.   Exercise 2. Listen to your teacher and number the pictures in the order you hear them. Tell the students to listen to the teacher and then the put the numbers next to the corresponding pictures. Teacher: 1. I wash my face. 2. I brush my teeth. 3. I wash my hands. 4. I have lunch. 5. I have a shower. Exercise 3. Listen to your teacher and colour the clothes.  

  The teacher says: Colour the dress blue. Colour the shorts green. Colour the T-shirt yellow. Colour the skirt red. Colour the shorts blue. Colour the skirt yellow. Colour the T-shirt red. Colour the cap yellow. Colour the shoes green. Exercise 4. Circle the clothes. The children need to circle just the pieces of clothes. Ask them to name each piece of the clothes they circle. Ask them to check this exercise first in pairs. Then with the whole class.   Project: Dress the doll. The students must cut out the dolls and the clothes they are going to dress these dolls in. Ask the parents to assist the children to do neatly at home and bring their project to the class for the next lesson. The teacher can use this activity to repeat and practise the vocabulary words as a warm up or during the play time. Ask each learner to dress the doll how they like it, show to the class and name the pieces of clothes on the doll. As an extra activity, you can suggest the students to draw clothes for their dolls themselves, show them to the class and name them too. Ask the children to describe the colour of the clothes too if you have extra time to do this activity.  
End of the lesson     5 minutes End of the lesson: At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via supportive questions: e.g.: - What the new words did we learn today? - Do you wash your face and brush your teeth every day? - Do you wash your hands before you eat?


  Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus, you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and name the pictures.
  Suggest the children singing the song from the lesson one more time.
  Keep encouraging the young learners for any success during the class/ whole course to make them feel more comfortable, confident and motivated to acquire the language.

Unit 8. How to be healthy

Lesson 3. Let’s run

School: #


Surname /name of the teacher:


Number of attendees:    Number of absent learners:   
Aims of the lesson:

0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

0.L3 begin to recognize with some considerable support simple greetings 0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes

0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements

0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes 0.S6 exchange short simple greetings

0.S5 begin to produce the words in response to the prompts


Objectives of the lesson

The learners will be able to:

· recognize and carry out simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

· recognize with some considerable support simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· make the basic personal statements on the topic “How to be healthy”.

· pronounce the topic vocabulary with some mistakes

· exchange short simple greetings

· produce the words in response to the prompts

The majority of the learners will be able to:

· recognize and carry out simple short instructions for the basic classroom routine

· recognize and exchange simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· make the basic personal statements on the topic “How to be healthy”

· pronounce the topic vocabulary with few mistakes

· produce the words in response to the prompts

Some of the learners will be able to:

· carry out simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines

· exchange simple greetings

· recognize simple sounds of phonemes

· make the basic personal statements on the topic “How to be healthy”.

· pronounce the topic vocabulary without mistakes

· produce the words in response to the prompts

Background knowledge

This is the third lesson of the unit “How to be healthy”, the children recognize and carry out simple classroom instructions, know the topic vocabulary.



Scheduled time Scheduled activity Resources
Beginning of the lesson     5 minutes · Warm up: Game: Guess. Ask one of the students to go to the board and to start drawing a piece of clothes slowly. Other students in the class need to guess the clothes. Or ask the students to sing the song from the previous lesson (Track 50). Then introduce the topic and objectives of the lesson.  
Main part of the lesson Exercise 1. Learn the new words. Introduce the new words to bend, to jump, to swim, to run by miming the actions. Ask the students to repeat the words and carry out the actions.


  Exercise 2. Learn the poem and do the actions. Invite the children to recite the poem. Tell them to carry out the actions. Sit down, stand up. Then bend, then jump. Then swim, then run And let’s have fun.
25 minutes Dynamic pause Two little feet Two little feet go tap, tap, tap. Two little hands go clap, clap, clap. One little child leaps up from the chair, Two little arms go up in the air. Two little hands go thump, thump, thump. Two little feet go jump, jump, jump. One little body goes round and round. One little child sits quietly down.
  Exercise 3. Look at the pictures and listen. Direct the learners’ attention to the pictures. Tell them to follow the words in the pictures and listen to the audio. Track 51. Teacher: One, two, three… Run! One, two, three…Jump!
  Bend right, bend left!
  Let’s swim.
  Exercise 4. Mime the verb and let your classmates guess. Invite the students to mime the verbs they know and let

  the group to guess and name them. Exercise 5. Look at the pictures, point and name the clothes you know. This activity is to let the students practise clothes vocabulary one more time. They need to look at the pictures and name the clothes they know.   Activity book Exercise 1. Colour the picture and name the action. Tell the students to colour the pictures and name the verbs. Students’ answers: To swim, to run, to jump, to bend.   Exercise 2. Listen to your teacher and put a tick or a cross. Ask the students to listen and put a tick or a cross opposite the picture as they hear out the information. Teacher: 1. Let’s swim. 2. Let’s bend. 3. Let’s run. 4. Let’s jump.  
End of the lesson     5 minutes End of the lesson: At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via supportive questions: e.g.: - What new words did we learn today? - How do we invite to do actions?


  Then encourage them to say all the words as the whole group and mime the verbs.
  Keep encouraging the young learners for any success during the class/ whole course to make them feel more comfortable, confident and motivated to acquire the language.


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