The Ocean

As an antipode to thedry land the ocean is a mobile aquatic cover of theglobe. The world ocean is divided into four parts, namely: the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. Thesurface of the world ocean is equal to 361,600,000 km2. Here are the figures illustrating the size of the oceans and seas (in million km2); the Pacific – 130, the Atlantic –106, the Indian Ocean – 75, the Arctic Ocean – 12.8; the Mediterranean Sea – 3, the Bering Sea – 2.3, the Okhotsk Sea –1.5, the Sea of Ja­pan – 1.04, the Black Sea – 0.38.

Theaverage depth of the ocean isabout 4,000 metres. It wascommonopinion that the greatest depthof the ocean was 9,870 metres (the Filippine Abyss in the Pacific). Yet in 1953 the expedition of the Instituteof Oceanology of the Academy of Sciences who explored the Kuril-KamchatkaAbyss ascertained that the greatest depth there equalled 10,382 metres. The depths in the seas are less than those in the ocean. For example, the greatest depth in the Caribbean Sea is 6,269 metres, in the Mediterranean – 4,400 metres, in the Bering Sea – 5,100 metres, in the Black Sea – 2,245 metres.

Therelief of the ocean bottom is muchplainer and more monotonous than that of the surface of the land. This phenomenon isdueto the absence ofdestruction made by such forces as running water, wind, ice... On the other hand, the bottom of the sea is a field ofeternaldepositions which still moresmooth out its relief.

To a casual observer the ocean is a barrenwaste chiefly used for transportation. Actually it is not so. The ocean is a cradle of life on the Earth. The first living organisms, as scientists assert, arose in the ocean depths. The largest animals and the tallestplants grow in the ocean, and nowhere else such a large quantity of food may be obtained. The ocean gives over eighty per cent of the whole catch of fish from all the water reservoirs. The total stock of fish in the ocean is estimated about billion tons. It has been calculated by scientists that yearly catch of fish over the world has reached 50,000,000 tons. In the nearest decade this figure may be doubled.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

1. How many oceans are there in the world?

2. What is the average depth of the ocean?

3. Why is the relief of the ocean plainer than that of the surface of the land?

4. Where did the first living organisms arise according to the scientists' opinion?

5. Is the ocean a barren waste or is it populated by any animals?

6. What measures are to be put in practice to make catches of fish abundant?

7. What kinds of sea animals do you know?

Exercise 5. Change the following nouns into verbs and translate them into Russian:

water, work, mark, sign, band, turn, cover, part, figure, catch, limit, scale, light, approach, pass, form, anchor.

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences using information from the text:

1. To a casual observer…

2. It has been calculated by scientists that…

3. It wascommonopinion that…

4. This phenomenon isdueto…

5. In the nearest decade…

Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Океан не бесплодная пустыня, он – колыбель жизни на Земле.

2. Учеными доказано, что первые живые организмы возникли в глубинах океана.

3. Население Земного шара пользуется океаном как величайшим скла­дом пищевых продуктов.

4. Океан населен животными и растениями.

5. Глубины морей значительно меньше глубин океана.

6. Площадь Черного моря меньше, чем площадь Японского моря.

Exercise 8. Choose one item of the plan and speak on it:

a) the world ocean;

b) the depth;

c) the relief;

d) life in the ocean.

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