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Абхазия Австралия Австрия Азербайджан Албания Алжир Ангола Андорра Антигуа и Барбуда Аргентина Армения Аруба Афганистан Багамы Бангладеш Барбадос Бахрейн Беларусь Белиз Бельгия Бенин Ботсвана Бразилия Бруней Буркина Фасо Бурунди Бутан Великобритания Венгрия Венесуэла Вьетнам Гайана Гаити Гамбия Гана Гвинея-Бисау Германия Гондурас Гонконг Греция Грузия Дания Джибути Доминика Доминикана Египет Замбия Зимбабве Израиль Индонезия Иордания Ирак Иран Ирландия Йемен
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4. Переведите предложения с именами собственными с английского языка на русский:

1. Netanyahu and Clinton in Extended Talks on Mideast.

2. Obama backs Japan for U.N. Security Council.

3. As Prince William and his wife met with Canadian soldiers at Calgary Airport on Thursday, Catherine's flowing yellow Jenny Packham dress caught the breeze.

4. Terrence McNally’s 1995 play, “Master Class,” was inspired by the now legendary master classes that Maria Callas gave during the 1971-72 academic year at the Juilliard School.

5. The crowd threw flower petals as Prince Albert II of Monaco and Princess Charlene left the palace for the Sainte Devote Church after their wedding Mass.

6. And when the camera moved to the bride, Charlene Wittstock, you could see Giorgio Armani.

7. The light streaming in the windows at Miu Miu’s show was unusual for fashion week, where venues are typically pitch black.

8. TOKYO — Toyota Motor announced a $1.3 billion overhaul of its manufacturing operations in northeastern Japan on Wednesday, including the purchase of two listed units, in an attempt to improve efficiency and soften the effect of the strong yen.

9. «Investors Seek to Bite Into a Cheaper Apple» и «Apple Eyes Bigger Slice of Chinese Market».

10. Osama bin Laden, who was killed in Pakistan on Monday, was a son of the Saudi elite whose radical, violent campaign to recreate a seventh-century Muslim empire redefined the threat of terrorism for the 21st century.

11. «'King of Pop,' Dies of Apparent Heart Attack in L.A» - Michael Jackson, 50, died yesterday in Los Angeles as sensationally as he lived

5. Переведите предложения с именами собственными с русского языка на английский:

1. В Ираке американцы теряют больше, чем СССР в Афгане.2. В минувшую субботу утром неизвестный автомобиль обстрелял отделение Индустриального банка в пригороде североиракского города Мосул. 3. Пермские партийцы пошли по стопам Брюсселя, Токио, Каира, Боготы... - выступили с антивоенной акцией "Ираку Акбар!". 4. Президентские выборы в Чечне должны пройти 5 сентября - в первое воскресенье месяца, сообщил в среду глава Центризбиркома России Александр Вешняков.5. До этого назначения Рамзан Кадыров являлся членом Государственного совета Чечни от Гудермесского района, а также руководителем службы безопасности президента республики. 6. Парламент Литвы объявил импичмент президенту Роландасу Паксасу.7. Теперь сейм должен принять еще ряд решений: доверить председателю сейма Артурасу Пауласкасу временное исполнение обязанностей президента, а одному из его заместителей - руководство работой сейма.

8. Кавказ - турецкий курорт? Хотя один из лидеров горских эмигрантов, Баммат, оживленно обсуждал в турецком генштабе будущую схему раздела СССР: Украина отходит Германии, Дальний Восток и Сибирь - Японии, Крым - Италии, Кавказ - Турции.

6. Переведите отрывок из инструкции по оформлению географических имен общества “National Geografic” на русский язык, обращая внимание на имена собственные:

National Geographic political maps use conventional names: Rome, Bombay, Danube, Falkland Islands.
When a name is jointly controlled by more than one country or is in international waters, the conventional name is given first with variants in parentheses: Mount Everest (Sagarmatha, Qomolangma), Sea of Japan (East Sea).

Capitalize a geographic element such as Bay, Street, Range, or Valley that is part of a place-name. Do not capitalize when it appears separately or in inverted order or when it is not part of the proper name: Massachusetts Avenue, the avenue; the Rocky Mountains, the mountains; Sahara desert (though preferable to use just Sahara); Tangier Island, the island of Tangier; Valley of Mexico, the Nile Valley, the valley of the Nile; Sierra Nevada mountains (though preferable to use just Sierra Nevada).

Exceptions: English Channel, the Channel; European continent, the Continent (for Europe only); Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf; Thames River or River Thames.

Place-names from foreign languages appear in roman: Montreal, Quebec, Istanbul. When a geographic term is part of the name, lowercase the geographic term. For example, Tian Shan means "Heavenly Mountains," so lowercase "range" in: Tian Shan range.

Be careful in following the rules of capitalization like in the sentences:

The United States is my home; the Netherlands was represented; the Golan Heights was taken by Israel in the Six Day War; the Rockies are good for climbing; the Hawaiian Islands attract many tourists.

7. Прочитайте о правилах оформления географических имен подробнее на сайте общества: https://stylemanual.ngs.org/home/P/place-nameshttps://stylemanual.ngs.org/home/P/place-names

! Выполните упражнения, обращая внимание на перевод грамматических конструкций, характерных для текстов СМИ

1. Переведите предложения, выбирая для выделенных конструкций безличные формы:

1.Until 1966 the Morning Star was published, under the name of the Daily Worker. 2.The Morning Star was supported by its readers' contributions. 3. It was once said that freedom is the recognition of necessity. 4.The legal status of the National areas is defined by the State Duma of the Russian Federation. 5.According of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations some 80 projects are at present being built in Russia by foreign workers. 6.Preparations for Russian-Chinese Summit were be ing guided by the principle of achieving the greatest possible results, said Russia's Foreign Minister. 7. Armenia's nuclear power station has been c l osed down and the one being built at Krasnodar ha s been stopp ed. 8.In Bulgaria maternity leave (отпуск по уходу за ребенком) can be taken under the same conditions by the father or even the grandmother of the baby if she is still employed. 9.The proposals to cut strategic arms by 50 percent and to eliminate chemical weapons had been widely discussed but were not being implemented. 10. China announced yesterday that a new law on demonstrations was being drafted and that the recent student protests in the capital would be discussed in parliament next month.

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