Переведите следующие предложения. Определите значение слова like в контексте (like - любить, нравиться; подобно, как)

1. Like all gaseous fuels natural gas has great advantages over liquid and solid fuels. 2. The engineer whom we met at the laboratory has three sons. His elder son is taking a course at the Petroleum University. Like his father he is going to become a petroleum engineer. He looks like his father. He likes his future speciality. 3. The level of petroleum education like that of all other types of education has grown manyfold.

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внима-ние на многозначность слова one. Назовите номера предложений, в которых one выступает заменителем ранее упомянутого существительного.

1. The training of petroleum engineers and geologists includes a comprehensive study of general subjects as well as specialized ones. 2. One can see modern computers at every laboratory. 3. A new method of oil production is more effective than the one we used some years ago. 4. Russia has always been one of the predominant oil and gas producing countries. 5. Liquids or gases are injected into the common reservoir through one or more injection wells. 6. Oil may be displaced from sand by any one, or a combination of three mechanisms. 7. The earth`s crust is the zone on which we live and the one accessible for our investigation. 8. One of the earliest patents for an “offshore” drilling rig was issued to T.F. Rowland in 1869. 9. Man, for one reason or another, has since the earliest known times been digging holes in the earth`s surface.

Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав нужное слово: little, a little, few, a few.

1. There are … things here which I cannot understand. 2. Have you got… ink in your fountain-pen? 3. When we walked… farther down the road we met another group of students. 4. If you have… spare time, go through this book. You will find… articles there which are rather interesting. 5. Has Russia much or…natural gas?

14. Запомните модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты:

Эквиваленты модальных глаголов
  Настоящее время Прошедшее время Будущее время
can – мочь could – мог am able to is able to are able to Was able to were able to shall be able to will be able to
may – мочь might – мог am allowed to is allowed to are allowed to Was allowed to were allowed to shall be allowed to will be allowed to
Must – Должен should– должен, следует have to has to (вынужден, приходится) am to is to are to (должен по договоренности, плану) Had to was to were to shall have to will have to

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