Прочтите смысловой кусок. Выберите предложение, наиболее точно передающее содержание прочитанного отрывка

Nowadays everyone knows that there is nothing mysterious about such flames. “Eternal flames” are nothing but combustible gases. They have broken out of the bowels of the earth into the atmosphere and have been ignited, say, by lightning. People today do not worship such flames. They pipe the natural gas to their cities – to factories and homes. They make it serve their needs.

1. There is nothing mysterious about “eternal flames”.

2. Instead of (вместо) worshipping “eternal flames” people today make them serve their needs.

3. Combustible gases have broken out of the bowels of the earth into the atmosphere and have been ignited.

Составьте диалог. Используйте лексику текста, а также известные Вам разговорные формулы.

A.: It is interesting to know if the use of gas is growing fast.

B.: As is known, it certainly is.

A.: What are the reasons, I wonder?

22. Английский юмор:

When did Socrates live?

The teacher asked: “When did Socrates live?” After the silence had become painful, she ordered: “Open your history book. What does it say there?”

Pupil: Socrates, 469 B.C.

Teacher: Now, why didn`t you know when Socrates lived?

Pupil: Well, I thought 469 B.C. was his telephone number.

painful – зд. удручающий

B.C. – Before Christ – до нашей эры

* * *

Teacher: John, why are you late?

John: Please, madam, I had to wash my neck and ears, but, honest, it won’t happen again.


Грамматика: 1. Герундий.

2. Причастие II.

3. Инфинитив.

4. Функции глаголов to be, to have в предложении.

Текст: The Search for Oil

1. Прочтите вслух следующие слова:

– evidence, method, develop, investment

– fracture, balance, gravity

– discovery, construct, substructure, recover, duster

– world, search, earth, surface, commercial

– geologist, geophysicist, geographic, knowledge

– measure, explosion

– composition, configuration, exploration, observation

– location, accumulation, basic, space, operator, great.

2. Прочтите следующие слова, обращая внимание на ударение:

either [ ], generally [ ], knowledge [ ], observation [ ], aware [ ], sufficient [ ], beneath [ ], seismograph [ ], enough [ ], though [ ], technique [ ], magnetometer [ ], perhaps [ ], between [ ], actual [ ].

3. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

search – поиск, разведка

seek – искать

evidence – признак, доказательство

oil seep – выход нефти на поверхность

up-dip – вверх по восстанию пласта

seepage – просачивание

fracture – разлом, разрыв

discovery – открытие

locate – обнаруживать

reservoir – коллекторская порода

investigation – исследование

gain – получать

substructure – подземная структура

dome – купол

seep – выход нефти на поверхность

anticline – антиклиналь

surface map – карта поверхности

devise – изобретать

torsion balance – вариометр, крутильные весы

subsurface structure – погребенная структура

deduce - прослеживать

measure – измерять

transit time - время пробега

sound wave - звуковая волна

gravity meter - гравиметр

magnetometer – магнитометр

remote sensing - телеметрия

to be commercially feasible – быть рентабельным

recover – получать обратно, возмещать

investment – инвестиция, капиталовложение

to make a profit – получать прибыль

assure – уверять, гарантировать

rich strike - богатое месторождение

duster – непродуктивная скважина, скважина, не давшая ни нефти, ни газа.

4. Определите значение интернациональных слов:

observation, construct, geologist, geophysicist, structure, specific, method, globe, reservoir, generate, balance, basic, form, configuration, commercially, technique, actual, composition.

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