Exercises. Give the equivalents in Russian of the following terms

Give the equivalents in Russian of the following terms

Civil engineering structures, crossing, environment, gorge, level crossing, natural barrier, mudflow, overhead road, overland transportation, passing, pipeline, railway, railway and motorway engineering structures, retaining wall, road protection, stream, vehicle density, water obstacle.

What are the English equivalents of the following Russian terms?

Автодорога, водопропускная труба, временный водоток, глубокая долина или впадина, горная цепь, железнодорожная магистраль, ИССО мостового типа, ИССО тоннельного типа, камнепад, лавина, нефтепровод, облицовочная стенка, овраг, пересечение железнодорожного пути с шоссе, песчаные наносы, путепровод, снежные заносы, стихийные бедствия.

Complete and translate the following sentences using the word list

1. (Искусственные сооружения) are constructed at the most complicated sections of (железные и автомобильные дороги). Bridges are engineering structures that provide a means of crossing natural barriers, such as (реки, озёра и узкие ущелья).

2. Some R&M ES (городские мосты, путепроводы и эстакады) demonstrate a high-level of (архитектурные качества) and a balance between art and science.

3. All the R&M ES must meet their design calculations and the requirements of (прочность, устойчивость, жесткость, выносливость).

4. Engineering structures subdivide into (капитальные и временные сооружения).

5. (Срок службы) of long-term railway and motorway ES is about 80–100 years, and for short-term ones it lasts about 10-15 years.

6. (Надежность и удобство) under operation are the principal characteristics of railway and motorway engineering structures.

7. Overhead roads, flyovers, and viaducts must provide reliable traffic flow without any (задержка). (Ледоход, паводок, дождевые потоки) must be controlled, as they are the greatest risk factors for bridges, culverts and galleries.

8. Tunnel (содержание и техническое обслуживание) requires the most considerable expenditure because (вентиляция, освещение, водоотвод) require regular inspection and (меры по ликвидации аварийного состояния).

9. Even simple R&M ES including (подпорные и облицовочные стенки) call for large building and repair costs. The idea is that traffic disruption and the consequential (ремонт) of R&M ES may result in additional considerable expenses.

The word list: architectural merits, artificial light(ing), emergency measures, fanning, disruption, maintenance, townbridge.

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