Working on the text

Ex.6. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. Why was the dual-channel system or red / green system introduced?

2. What does the system allow passengers to do?

3. Who can go through the green channel?

4. Why is it necessary to mark channels clearly?

5. How shall the green channel be marked?

6. How shall the red channel be marked?

Ex.7. Find the verbs and phrases in the text which correspond to the following definitions:

1. make something not so complicated;

2. make or become better;

3. be liable to;

4. pass through;

5. not to pay duties;

6. complete, carry out.

Ex.8. Match the verbs to the nouns and expressions with which they are used in the text.

1. to simplify

2. to choose

3. to go through

4. to accomplish

a) between red and green channels

b) the green channel

c) formalities

d) customs control

Ex.9. Restore the correct order what happens at an airport when a passenger arrives.

1. … In the BAGGAGE HALL there may be several carousels. There will be TV monitors which show you the right carousel for your luggage, e.g. AC 862 Toronto – 4.

2. … After you have been through passport control, FOLLOW THE SIGNS to the Baggage Hall. There will usually be a picture of a suitcase on the sign.

3. … At Passport Control there are often two routes, one for citizens of the country, the other for non-citizens (or aliens). THE IMMIGRATION OFFICER will check your passport (and take your landing card if you have one), and may ask you questions. In some countries they will put a stamp in your passport.

4. … After Customs look for the EXIT. If someone is meeting you they will be waiting at the Meeting Point. You will see signs for taxi, buses or trains that will take you to your destination.

5. … Collect your luggage and look for the sign to CUSTOMS. In most countries the signs are red for Goods to Declare and green for Nothing to Declare. In the European Union there is also a blue sign for travelers from other European Union countries.

6. … As soon as you leave the plane, follow the signs to PASSPORT CONTROL (or Immigration). At international airports these signs will be in English as well as the local language.

Ex.10. Translate the following sentences:

1. Такие товары подлежат запрету к ввозу или ограничению импорта.

2. Двойной коридор облегчает работу таможенников в международных аэропортах.

3. Даже при выборе “зеленого канала” пассажиры могут быть подвергнуты выборочной проверке.

4. Если пассажир примет решение пройти через “красный коридор/канал”, он должен будет заполнить таможенную декларацию.

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