Темы семинарских занятий

Cеминарские занятия.

Неделя Название темы План занятия, основные дидактические единицы Формы текущего контроля
    МОДУЛЬ 1.”Introduction”.  
  ” Linguistic Features of Germanic Languages”. I. Introduction. Germanic languages. Linguistic Features of Germanic Languages. а) The subject and aims of the history of the English language. b)Some Theoretical Aspects of Language History. с) Germanic languages and their linguistic features. d) Consonants. Proto-Germanic Consonant Shift. e) Strong and Weak verbs. Устный опрос.
    МОДУЛЬ 2.” Old English. ”.  
  ”Old English. Historical Background”. II. Old English. Historical Background. Old English Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary. Historical Background. a) Pre-Germanic Britain. 1. b) Old English Dialects. 2. c) Origin of Old English vowels and consonants. d) Parts of speech and grammatical categories. Устный опрос.
    МОДУЛЬ 3.”Middle English and New English”.  
  ”Historical Background from the 11th to 15th c.”. Historical Background from the 11th to 15th c. Development of the National Literary English Language (16th -19th c). a) Economic and social conditions in the 11th -12th c. b) Effects of invasions. c) Economic and political unification conditions for linguistic unity. d) English outside Great Britain. Устный опрос.
  ” Evolution of the Sound and Grammatical System from the 11th to 18th c)”. Evolution of the Sound System from the 11th to 18th c. a) Evolution of the Grammatical System from the 11th to 18th c. b) Word stress in ME and Early New English. d) Development of diphthongs. c) Nominal grammatical categories. e) The Adjectives (Declensions, Degrees of Comparison). Устный опрос.
  ”Development of the syntactic system in Middle English and Early New English. Periodization of English history”. Development of the syntactic system in Middle English and Early New English. a) English is a world language (XX-XXIc). b) The Phrase. Noun, Adjective and Verb Patterns. c) The simple sentence.Causes of grammatical changes. d) Periodization of English history. Устный опрос.

Задания для СРС:

Тестовые задания

Тестовые задания

Вариант 1

1. How many dialects did OE consist of?

2. How many classes are the strong verbs in OE divided into?

3. How many classes are the weak verbs in OE divided into?

4. The category of Tense in OE consisted of the following sets of forms:

5. The history of the English language is customary divided into … periods:

6. What settlement of Britain can be regarded as the beginning of English?

7. England was christianized in…

8. What was the number of runes in the OE runic alphabet?

9. Out of the 23 Latin letters British scribes employed ….

10. What was the greatest poem of the time, an epic of the 7th or 8th century?

11. What direction of the changes of OE vowels is referred to is palatalization?

12. Gender was represented by the following distinct groups of nouns:

13. The category of case was represented by …..cases:

14. The declensions of nouns known as the strong declensions comprised:

15. How many endings were employed in the noun paradigms?

16. The category of mood was constituted by:

17. How many non-finite forms were there in the OE verb system?

18. The majority of verbs in Germanic languages fell under ……large groups:

19. Class 1 of OE strong verbs is called:

20. Class 2 of OE weak verbs is known as:

21. In OE there were ……preterit-presents:

22. All Germanic languages, old and new, are divided into the following subgroups:

23. The modern languages of the West Germanic Subgroup are:

24. OE period lasts from:

25. The means of form- building employed were as follows:

Вариант 2

1. The most important Old English dialects were:

2. What is the parent language of the Indo-European family of languages?

3. Who was the first English printer?

4. What is the most important language in the North Germanic group?

5. The Great Vowel Shift in Modern English may be illustrated by:

6. The Great Vowel Shift put an end to all the changes in long vowels in:

7. The greatest event in the history of English that has left a major impact on the development of the English language was:

8. The grammatical categories of the nominal system in Old English were:

9. Which language is the most important among the East Germanic languages?

10. How was Germanic group separated from Indo-European family of languages?

11. Modern English vowel changes is:

12. Chaucer’s literary language is based on:

13. The greatest phonetic change that differentiated the Germanic from the Indo-European languages was:

14. The plural noun ending of Modern English goes back to:

15. Which language belongs to West Germanic group of languages?

16. The parent language of the North Germanic languages is:

17. The pronouns “they”, “them’ are of

18. The age of literary flourishing is known as:

19. The Roman occupation of British lasted …

20. Proclamation by Henry III in 1258 was writing in:

21. The London dialect was fundamentally …

22. Two major external factors favoured the rise of the national language are:

23. The period between 10-13 c. has been called.

24. The history of the Germanic group begins with

25. Written standard of English was established in …

Вариант 3

1. The history of the English language is customary divided into … periods:

2. What settlement of Britain can be regarded as the beginning of English?

3. England was christianized in…

4. What was the number of runes in the OE runic alphabet?

5. Out of the 23 Latin letters British scribes employed ….

6. What was the greatest poem of the time, an epic of the 7th or 8th century?

7. How was Germanic group separated from Indo-European family of languages?

8. Modern English vowel changes is:

9. Chaucer’s literary language is based on:

10. The greatest phonetic change that differentiated the Germanic from the Indo-European languages was:

11. The plural noun ending of Modern English goes back to:

12. Which language belongs to West Germanic group of languages?

13. Proclamation by Henry III in 1258 was written in:

14. The London dialect was fundamentally …

15. Two major external factors favoured the rise of the national language are:

16. The period between 10-13 c. has been called.

17. The history of the Germanic group begins with

18. Written standard of English was established in …

19. The modern languages of the West Germanic Subgroup are:

20. OE period lasts from:

21. The means of form- building employed were as follows:

22. England’s colonial expansion to the New world began in …

23. American English was first proclaimed to be a independent language by ….

24. Which part of speech has acquired a lot of new categories in M.E. period

25. The most productive way of creating new words in O.E. period was

Вариант 4

1. How was Germanic group separated from Indo-European family of languages?

2. Modern English vowel changes is:

3. Chaucer’s literary language is based on:

4. The greatest phonetic change that differentiated the Germanic from the Indo-European languages was:

5. The plural noun ending of Modern English goes back to:

6. Which language belongs to West Germanic group of languages?

7. What was the greatest poem of the time, an epic of the 7th or 8th century?

8. What direction of the changes of OE vowels is referred to is palatalization?

9. Gender was represented by the following distinct groups of nouns:

10. The category of case was represented by …..cases:

11. The declensions of nouns known as the strong declensions comprised:

12. How many endings were employed in the noun paradigms?

13. The London dialect was fundamentally …

14. Two major external factors favoured the rise of the national language are:

15. The period between 10-13 c. has been called.

16. The history of the Germanic group begins with

17. Written standard of English was established in …

18. The modern languages of the West Germanic Subgroup are:

19. OE period lasts from:

20. The Great Vowel Shift in Modern English may be illustrated by:

21. The greatest event in the history of English that has left a major impact on the development of the English language was:

22. The grammatical categories of the nominal system in Old English were:

23. Which language is the most important among the East Germanic languages?

24. How was Germanic group separated from Indo-European family of languages?

25. West Germanic dialects began to develop into a separate Germanic language in ….

Темы рефератов:

1. Formation of the National Literary language.

2. Foreign conquest of Britain and their influence upon the English language.

3. Introduction of printing in Britain and its influence upon the English language.

4. The evolution of the English adjective.

5. Development of passive forms of the English verb (16-20 c).

6. Evolution of the Future Tense.

7. Semantic changes and borrowings from French.

8. Development of the English article.

9. Variants of the English language.

10. Differences between American English and British English.

Программа экзамена:


  Subject and aims of the history of English.
  Concept of linguistic change.
  Modern Germanic languages.
  The earliest period of Germanic history. Proto-Germanic.
  East Germanic.
  North Germanic.
  West Germanic.
  Chronological divisions in the history of English.
  Old English. Germanic settlement of Britain.
  Events in the external history between the 5th and 11th c.
  Germanic languages: East Germanic, North Germanic, West Germanic.
  Old English dialects.
  Old English written records.
  Old English alphabet and pronunciation.
  Old English phonetics. Word stress.
  Old English phonetics. Old English vowels.
  Old English phonetics. Old English consonants.
  Old English noun. Declensions.
  Old English pronoun. Personal and demonstrative pronouns.
  Old English adjective. Grammatical categories.
  Old English adjective. Degrees of comparison.
  Old English verb. Grammatical categories.
  Grammatical categories of verbals in Old English.
  Morphological classification of OE verbs.
  Minor groups of verbs in OE
  OE syntax. The simple sentence.
  OE syntax. Compound and complex sentences.
  OE vocabulary. Native words.
  OE vocabulary. Foreign element in the OE vocabulary. Borrowings from Latin and Celtic.
  Ways of word-formation in OE.
  Economic and social conditions in 11th-12th centuries.
  Effect of the Scandinavian invasions.
  The Norman Conquest and its effect on the linguistic situation.
  Early Middle English dialects and written records.
  Reestablishment of English as the language of the state and literature.
  Late Middle English dialects. The London dialect.
  Written records in late ME.
  Development of the national literary English. Progress of culture and introduction of printing.
  Expansion of English over the British Isles.
  Literary Renaissance.
  Establishment of Written Standard.
  Normalizing Tendencies.
  Varieties of English in Britain in the 19th and 20th c.
  English outside Great Britain. Geographical expansion of English from the 17th to 19th c.
  ME grammar. The noun and pronouns.
  ME grammar. The adjective.
  ME grammar. The verb and verbals.
  Development of new grammatical categories. Passive forms. Category of aspect.
  Development of the syntactic system in ME and early NE. Simple, compound and complex sentences.
  Development of the English vocabulary from 12th to 19th c. Foreign influence on the vocabulary.


Этот курс будет преподаваться с использованием традиционного метода обсуждения лекций. Обучающимся предлагается активное участие в обсуждениях в аудиториях так, чтобы они могли учиться друг у друга и извлекать выгоду из взаимодействия группы.

Аудиторное время включает лекции, семинарские (практические), лабораторные занятия, где проходят обсуждение материала, выполнение различных заданий и упражнений, решение задач.

На каждой лекции будут представлены и объяснены основные понятия и определения. Запись этих понятий обязательна для каждого обучающегося, т.к. преподаватель не будет предоставлять лекционный материал каждому отдельному обучающемуся.

На семинарских (практических), лабораторныхзанятиях обучающимся будут предлагаться задания для самостоятельного выполнения по темам и опрос лекционного материала. Сдача индивидуальных заданий осуществляется на СРСП.

Если обучающемуся что-либо не понятно, необходимо обратиться за разъяснениями, консультацией к преподавателю дополнительно.

К каждому занятию обучающийся должен готовиться по основной и дополнительной литературе.

Обязанность студентов посещать все занятия и приходить в аудиторию вовремя. Посещение будет проверяться в течении семестра. Освоение пропущенного материала является обязанностью студента.

Студенты своим несоответсвующим поведением не должны мешать преподавателю вести занятие,студентам усваивать учебную программу. Любое поведение, которое мешает выполнению нормальных академических функций, считается неуместным.

· На занятия студенты должны являться вовремя. В случаае опоздания студента более чем на 10 минут, преподаватель имеет право не допускать его к занятию.

· Сотовые телефоны и другие электронные устройства, которые отвлекают и создают помехи в работе аудиторий, должны быть выключены при входе в аудиторию.

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