Choose the verbs in the text that can be examples of the rules and make them negatives

2. Find and underline the mistakes in this dialogue. (The first one is given as an example). Correct the mistakes. Role play the dialogue.

Louisa(L) Hi, Martin! What’s wrong? You look awful.

Martin (M) Oh, I’ve had that horrible flu. It lasted for ages.

L Didn’t you go to the doctor?

M No, I did. I went last week, but my doctor doesn’t know nothing. I asked for that new flu drug – what’s’ it called?

L Do you mean Relenza?

M That’s it. I asked, but he wouldn’t give me none.

L Why?

M He said that the tests haven’t hardly proved that it works. He didn’t refuse me not only to give me Relenza, but also he wouldn’t’ give me none other medicine. I think it’s because the surgery is over-budget and he doesn’t want to spend any more money!

L If that’s the case, it’s really unhonest! Have you thought about complaining?

M No, what’s the use? Complaints about doctors rarely have an effect. Anyway, I suppose there is not much you can do about a virus. He said I should drink plenty of fluids and he didn’t tell me to go out until I felt better.

L How are you feeling now?

M Not too bad, but I can’t taste hardly anything. Well, I think that’s an effect of the flu and not a problem with my taste buds!

L Oh, I don’t hope it is. It would be awful not to taste things.

M I’ve still got a few chest problems, too. I suppose O should stop smoking.

L What! Have you stopped smoking through this flu, then? You are crazy, Martin!

M I know. I guess, I’ll never be a no-smoker.

L Perhaps not. Anyway, it lasts a ling time, this flu. Not many people don’t appreciate that. You think it’s gone and toy try to get back to normal, then it hits you again.

M Yes, you are right.

L Look, I must be going. I don’t hope it lasts much longer. Bye!

3. Find in the text and learn Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

1) abnormality a)
2) to heal damage b)
3) to keep muscle tone c)
4) to maintain the health d)
5) to release e)
6) to improve physical health f)
7) the positive impact g)
8) may be advised h)
9) to be connected to smth i)

4. Find in the text and learn English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

1) свобода от болезни a)
2) функционировать b)
3) генетические сбои c)
4) удивительно d)
5) слепой или хромой человек e)
6) для поддержания здоровья f)
7) связано с умственным и эмоциональным здоровьем g)
8) психолог h)
9) «перегорание» i)

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