Products of meat processing

The manufactured meat products can be grouped as follows: cured and pickled, cured and smoked, tenderized fresh, frozen, and canned.

Cured and pickled meats. Cured meats are those items which have had combined with them salt, sodium or potassium nitrite. Sugar and spices are optional ingredients.

The salt functions as a preservative while the nitrite and nitrate combine with the meat pigments to form fairly stable coloured compounds.

Cured and smoked meats. In the category of cured, smoked and cooked meats is a broad line of sausage products such as frankfurters and bologna, which differ from cured and pickled meats in that they are prepared from finely chopped (or comminuted) meat to which salt, sugar, spices and flavourings have been added. They may also include such items as cereals, milk powders, protein hydrolysates, and other substances.

These products are not pickled since cure penetration is obtained during an extensive mincing or chopping procedure. To secure the low temperatures often necessary for stability during the heating process, suitable amounts of ice are incorporated during the chopping operation. Ice also introduces moisture and thus increases the acceptability of the end product by assuring proper juiciness.

The products are usually heated in the smoke house to approximate internal temperature of 65.6 – 76.7 °C. Hardwood smoke is introduced, and the products are smoked for a length of time sufficient to impart the characteristic smoked flavour. This smoking operation further increases stability of the end products by depositing on the surface a certain quantity of bacteriostatic agents.


Задание 2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. How can the manufacture meat products be grouped?

2. What are cured meats?

3. What do you know about sausage products such as frankfurters and bologna?

4. What may these products include?

5. Can you tell a few words about the heating process?

Задание 3. Выберите утверждение, соответствующее содержанию текста:

1. Cured and pickled meats contain:

a) sugar, milk and oils;

b) salt, sodium or potassium nitrate;

c)  flavourings.

2. Sausage products belong to the group of:

a) pickled meats;

b) frozen meats;

c)  cured, smoked and cooked meats.

3.... is used for the production of sausages and frankfurters.

a) Finely chopped meat…;

b) Tenderized whole meat pieces…;

c)  Canned meat…

4. To obtain the end product with proper juiciness... is incorporated.

a) ice;

b) salt;

c)  a number of spices.

5. To impart the characteristic smoked flavour to the product... are introduced.

a) bacteriostatic agents;

b) hardwood smoke;

c)  flavourings.

Задание 4. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие слова:

cured, pickled, smoked, tenderized, frozen, canned, preparation, addition, penetration, heating.

Задание 5. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

производить, таким образом, увеличивать, консервированный, широкий, отличаться, готовить, добавлять, с тех пор, получать, количество, подходящий, процедура, поверхность.

Вопросы к практическому занятию

1. Какие существуют группы произведенной мясной продукции?

2. Из чего изготавливают сосиски и болонские колбаски?

3. При каких температурах коптят мясную продукцию?



Практическое занятие 21



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для того, чтобы студенты смогли составить высказывание о размягчении свежего мяса.

cut                                                        отруб

proteolytic enzyme                               протеолитический фермент

to involve                                             включать в себя

to inject                                                впрыскивать, вводить

dish                                                      блюдо

gravy                                                    мясной соус

commercial                                           промышленный

shelf-life                                               срок хранения (сохраняемость)

luncheon meat                                  мясо (консервированное) для завтрака

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