Meat and meat products

The flesh from the cattle over 6 months of age is beef and from younger cattle is veal. Beef is a nutritious food having approximately 25% protein and rich in essential acids, В vitamins, and minerals.

The primary products of swine are pork, lard, hides, and innumerable by-products. Pork is more successfully cured and stored than any other meats.

Fresh red meats are refrigerated. Cured meats such as ham, bacon, and sausage contain chemical preservatives (salt, nitrate, nitrite) but are, in addition, heat processed and stored under refrigeration. Fresh and cured meats are also canned. With severe heat processing a shelf-stable product is produced. In certain products stability is achieved in part through other processes: fermentation, drying, smoking and impregnation with vinegar.

The manufacture of meat products includes those processes which prepare the product for consumption and increase the stability, improve the texture, colour and appearance of various meat items. Various processes are employed depending upon the desired result. Various enzymatic agents and other additives are often used.

Задание 2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What is beef?

2. What is veal?

3. What is beef rich in?

4. What are the primary products of swine?

5. What is better stored and cured, pork of beef?

6. How are cured meats stored?

7. What rind of meat can be canned?

8. What processes are used for the manufacture of meat products?


Задание 3. Проверьте, помните ли вы значения следующих слов. Если нет, проверьте их значения по словарю:

nutrition, approximately, primary, to store, severe, processing, shelf-stable, to achieve, drying, consumption, to increase, to alter, appearance, additive, item, to desire


Задание 4. Подберите к русским словам соответствующие английские эквиваленты, обращая внимание на суффиксы:

а) питание;         1) nutritious;   2) nutrition;        3) nutritionist;

b) успешно;        1) success;     2) successful;  3) successfully;

c)  охлаждать;     1) refrigerate;  2) refrigerator; 3) refrigeration;

d) сохранять;     1) preservation; 2) preservative; 3) preserve;

e)  переработчик; 1) processing; 2) processor;   3) process;

f)  устойчивый;   1) stable;         2) stability;     3) unstable;

g) сбраживать;   1) ferment;     2) fermentation; 3) fermenter;

h) сушка;            1) dry;             2) drying;     3) drier;

i)  копчение;       1) smoke;     2) smoker;     3) smoking;

j)  потребитель;  1) consume;        2) consumption; 3) consumer;

k) различный;             1) vary;           2) various;     3) variety.

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски словами из данного ниже списка:

1.... is the flesh of the cattle.

2. The flesh of young cattle is called....

3. Swine gives us... and....

4. Pork is successfully... and....

5. Chemical preservatives are contained in...,...,....

6. Fresh and... meats can be also....

7....,...,... are used to get stable products.

8. The manufacture of meat products improves...,...,..., increases....

Cured, canned; beef; bacon, ham, sausages; pork, lard; drying, fermentation, smoking; texture, flavor, appearance, stability; veal; cured, stored.


Задание 6. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

мясные продукты, субпродукты, питательный продукт, богат минералами и незаменимыми аминокислотами, свинина, ветчина, консервировать, брожение, сушка, копчение, потребление, желаемый результат.


Вопросы к практическому занятию

1. Как определяется разница между говядиной и телятиной?

2. Как хранится свежее и соленое мясо?

3. Какие процессы включает производство мясной продукции?

Практическое занятие 20



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для того, чтобы студенты смогли составить высказывание о разнообразии способов переработки и хранения мяса.

to pickle                                               мариновать

to tenderize                                           размягчать

optional ingredients                        компоненты по выбору

frankfurter                                            сосиска

bologna                                                болонская колбаса

to chop = to comminute = to mince     рубить, измельчать

spices                                                             пряности

penetration                                           проникновение

to impart                                              придавать

to deposit                                             осаждать


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