Mrs. Fowler’s eyes certainly twinkled behind her preposterous spectacles

"Don’t expect anyone too old. You wouldn’t like me to marry a decrepit old gentleman with one foot in the grave, would you?"

This was the only warning she gave us (это было ее единственное предупреждение, которое она сделала: «дала нам»; towarn— предупреждать). Indeed there was no time for any further discussion (в самом деле, на дальнейшие разговоры: «дискуссии» времени не было), for the butler flung open the door (так как дворецкий распахнул дверь; toflingopen— распахнуть, раскрыть настежь) and in a loud voice announced (и громким голосом = громко объявил):

"Mr. Gilbert Napier (мистер Гилберт Напир)."

There entered a youth in a very well-cut dinner jacket (/тут/ вошел юноша в хорошо скроенном смокинге). He was slight (он был худощав), not very tall (не очень высокий), with fair hair in which there was a hint of a natural wave (со светлыми волосами, которые слегка вились: «в которых был намек на естественную волнистость»), clean-shaven and blue-eyed (гладко выбрит и с голубыми глазами: «голубоглазый»). He was not particularly good-looking (он не был особенно красив), but he had a pleasant (но у него было приятное), amiable face (милое/дружелюбное лицо). In ten years he would probably be wizened and sallow (через десять лет, возможно, его лицо покроется морщинами и пожелтеет: «он станет морщинистым и пожелтеет»); but now, in extreme youth (но сейчас, в ранней молодости), he was fresh (он был свежим), and clean and blooming (чистым = привлекательным и цветущим; clean— чистый; хорошо сложенный, привлекательный, стройный /о человеке/). For he was certainly not more than twenty-four (так как ему определенно было не более двадцати четырех).

further ['fWDq], wizened [wIznd], amiable ['eImjqbl]

This was the only warning she gave us. Indeed there was no time for any further discussion, for the butler flung open the door and in a loud voice announced:

"Mr. Gilbert Napier."

There entered a youth in a very well-cut dinner jacket. He was slight, not very tall, with fair hair in which there was a hint of a natural wave, clean-shaven and blue-eyed. He was not particularly good-looking, but he had a pleasant, amiable face. In ten years he would probably be wizened and sallow; but now, in extreme youth, he was fresh, and clean and blooming. For he was certainly not more than twenty-four.

My first thought was that this was the son of Jane Fowler’s fiancй (моей первой мыслью было то, что это сын жениха Джейн Фоулер) (I had not known he was a widower (я не знал, что он был вдовцом)) come to say (пришел сказать) that his father was prevented from dining by a sudden attack of gout (что его отцу помешал прийти на обед внезапный приступ подагры; to prevent — предотвращать; мешать, препятствовать). But his eyes fell immediately on Mrs. Fowler (но его взгляд тотчас же упал на миссис Фоулер), his face lit up (его лицо оживилось/осветилось; to light up — оживиться, осветиться, загореться), and he went towards her with both hands outstretched (и он направился к ней с распростертыми руками; to stretch — протягивать, вытягивать). Mrs. Fowler gave him hers (миссис Фоулер протянула ему свои), a demure smile on her lips (со скромной улыбкой на губах), and turned to her sister-in-law (и повернулась к своей невестке).

"This is my young man, Marion (это мой молодой человек/возлюбленный, Мэрион)," she said.

He held out his hand (он протянул руку; to hold out — протягивать).

"I hope you’ll like me, Mrs. Tower (надеюсь, вы полюбите меня/я вам понравлюсь)," he said. "Jane tells me you’re the only relation she has in the world (Джейн говорит, что вы ее единственная родственница во /всем/ мире)."

immediately [I'mJdjqtlI], towards [tq'wLdz], outstretched [aut'streCt]

My first thought was that this was the son of Jane Fowler’s fiancй (I had not known he was a widower) come to say that his father was prevented from dining by a sudden attack of gout. But his eyes fell immediately on Mrs. Fowler, his face lit up, and he went towards her with both hands outstretched. Mrs. Fowler gave him hers, a demure smile on her lips, and turned to her sister-in-law.

"This is my young man, Marion," she said.

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